4 items
4 items

Tule Lake concentration camp (ddr-densho-2-33)
View of the Tule Lake concentration camp barracks. A rock formation that the inmates called "Castle Rock" can be seen in the background. After obtaining permission to go through the gates, people could climb to the top of the formation.

Japanese American and friend sifting for shells (ddr-densho-2-59)
Patsy Yorita (left) and Neal Frost, (son of a teacher at the Tule Lake concentration camp), sift dirt for shells. The shells were used by people in the camp to make jewelry. Tule Lake was drained in the early 1900s. The camp was located on the old lake bed, where people found shells for making jewelry …

Japanese Americans digging for shells (ddr-densho-2-47)
These individuals are digging for shells to make jewelry, which was a popular pastime for many Japanese Americans in camp. Left to right: Kumataro Nishimura, Kadju Nishimura, Jimmie Yorita, Neal Frost (son of one of the teachers at Tule Lake), and Patsy Yorita. Tule Lake was drained in the early 1900s. The camp was located on …

Denson Communique No. 33 (February 2, 1943) (ddr-densho-144-33)
Selected article titles: "WRA Progress to be Reviewed" (p. 1), "In Jerome: Rules Made for Use of Gym" (p. 2), "Don't Let Jack Frost Bite You" (p. 4), "Plumbing Repairs to be Completed" (p. 4).