23 items
23 items

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 81, No. 23 (December 5, 1975) (ddr-pc-47-48)
Selected article titles: "Wendy Yoshimura Fact Sheet" (pp. 1-2), "Equal Rights Unreal Yet: Enomoto" (p. 1), "James Nakagawa: Denver's First Nisei Policeman" (p. 3), and "Japan Whalers OK Moratorium" (p. 4).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 12 (March 27, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-12)
Selected article titles: "JACL brands Japanese American students smart, affluent a myth" (p. 1), "Asian Americans protest attitude of Area Crusade" (p. 1), "Title II repeal hearings open: Goldberg calls it unconstitutional" (p. 1), "Asians picket Seattle NVC fete at Elks Club. Quiet Demonstration Against 'White Only' Elk Policy, Patronage" (p. 3), "Brazilian Nisei among 5 …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 66, No. 20 (May 17, 1968) (ddr-pc-40-20)
Selected article titles: "JACL to commemorate historic Nisei event" (p. 1), "Two Views of Discrimination in Japan" (p. 1), "Winners of JAL-JACL fellowship" (p. 1), "Surgeon General appoints ex-Hanford Nisei as consultant in pharmacology" (p. 3).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 66, No. 2 (January 12, 1968) (ddr-pc-40-2)
Selected article titles: "Race not important in determining whether one tolerates or rejects transplanted organ, says Nisei" (p. 1), "JACL can take on part of Negro problem, Marutani tells CCDC" (p. 1), "An unselfish Issei who comforted the needy, the sick for 50 years honored by Salt Lake" (p. 1), "Four couples cited for giving comfort …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 10 (September 7, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-36)
Selected article titles: "Urge Nisei to foster U.S.-Japan ties" (p. 1), "Delegates quiet on opening day of 'Changing Perspectives' but warm up by final session over farm workers problem" (p. 1), "American Legion, State Labor Group Endorse 'Yes on Prop. 13" (p. 2), "Relationship with Japan part of 'changing perspectives' theme" (p. 3), "JACL's role among …
![Pacific Citizen, Vol. 65, No. 6 [3] (July 21, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-30)](https://ddr.densho.org/media/cache/03/40/034025aea16beb5abc4c5262445c33bf.jpg)
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 65, No. 6 [3] (July 21, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-30)
Selected article titles: "Mineta Named to San Jose City Council, 1st Non-White" (p. 1), Missouri ban on mixed marriages lifted in opinion" (p. 1), "Lesson from evacuation recounted" (p. 1), "First impressions of Tokyo for Nisei housewife house-hunting rude experience" (p. 1).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 4 (January 30, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-4)
Selected article titles: "Emerging role for CL in '70s tagged; "New security bill due House vote" (p. 1), "Nat'l JACL aids ethnic curriculum" (p. 1), "Minorities help make U.S. great" (p. 2), "Sparky to keynote Title II repeal fund-raiser at PSWDC quarterly" (p. 3), "Radical rightists confront JACLer at state Board of Education hearing" (p. 3), …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 66, No. 19 (May 10, 1968) (ddr-pc-40-19)
Selected article titles: "Help oppressed adopt JACL slogan seen as key to quell racial riots" (p. 1), "Hawaii's crack 29th Infantry Brigade to report without its Nisei general" (p. 1), "Nipponmachi property owners in Seattle in wait & see mood" (p. 3), "Li'l Tokio businesses surveyed - nomiya pace with 23, physicians next at 15" (p. …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 64, No. 7 (February 17, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-7)
Selected article titles: "Evacuation issue looms in yen deposit arguments" (p. 1), "Intermarriage blast surprises PSW Clers" (p. 1), "Anti-poverty measures too late at Hunter's Point" (p. 1), "Maryland state senate passes anti-miscegenation repealer" (p. 1), "Contra Costans to air Sansei teenage problems" (p. 1), "Intermarriage rising among 'Sansei' Mexicans, UCLA study project finds" (p. 2), …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 66, No. 21 (May 24, 1968) (ddr-pc-40-21)
Selected article titles: "Justice Dept. still nixing rumors of detention centers" (p. 1), "Subtle Discrimination Against Japanese in Labor Market Noted" (p. 1), "'Boy' on forbidden list for policemen" (p. 1), "Jr. JACL check for $900 presented to Peace Corps to construct school" (p. 4), "Issei Welfare" (p. 4).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 9 (March 6, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-9)
Selected article titles: "Sparky lead witness at Title II hearings" (p. 1), "Little Tokyo plan cleared by council" (p. 1), "'Grandfather' clause included in bill to license gardeners in California" (p. 1), "Nisei back federal plan to boost cultural heritage" (p. 1), "Japanese American Curriculum finishes TV series, to write textbook" (p. 1), "Aerospace firm shutdown …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 65, No. 23 (December 8, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-50)
Selected article titles: "Anti-Alien Ban in Public Jobs Invalid: Santa Barbara Judge Upsets 52-Year-Old Law" (p. 1), "'What Now--JACL?' Challenge Beckons All-Out Effort to Help Disadvantaged" (p. 1), "Mexican American Study Project: Unintentional discrimination affects hiring of manual labor" (p. 3), "UCLA ethnic tally announced" (p. 3), "Issei emphasis on education pays off for Nisei: Shimasaki" …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 25 (June 26, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-25)
Selected article titles: "12 named for 'JACLer of Biennium'" (p. 1), "Oriental home found assessed 280 per cent above its average" (p. 1), "'Go For Broke' East Los Angeles youth organize to fight delinquency issues" (p. 1), "Issei want to live in Little Tokyo" (p. 1), "San Francisco Schools seek specialist in Asian American studies, workshop" …
![Pacific Citizen, Vol. 65, No. 5 [2] (July 14, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-29)](https://ddr.densho.org/media/cache/8e/bc/8ebc82c0198e7631d152144688b43113.jpg)
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 65, No. 5 [2] (July 14, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-29)
Selected article titles: "Career in Intergroup Relations Recommended: Opportunities for Sansei College Student in Government New Open" (p. 1), "Festival queen and court to ride in float for Nisei Week finale" (p. 1), "Vigorous concern of C.L. part of name solicited" (p. 1), "Largest Japanese colony in Europe numbers 915 in Duesseldorf, Germany" (p. 2), "FDR …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 71, No. 1, (July 3, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-26)
Selected article titles: "Nat'l JACL stands on international affairs previewed, backed by EDC" (p. 1), "L.A. groups ask board to save Japanese class at high school" (p. 1), "Life of evacuees, administrators at Poston recalled by Harvard professor" (p. 1), "The name: Yellow Brotherhood" (p. 1).
![Pacific Citizen, Vol. 65, No. 10 [7] (August 18, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-34)](https://ddr.densho.org/media/cache/36/42/3642f162254aecda421af93d387abb0a.jpg)
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 65, No. 10 [7] (August 18, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-34)
Selected article titles: "Sen. Fong Raps State Dept. Ignoring Asian Refugees" (p. 1), "Miss JACL 1968 coronation ball tomorrow enraptures San Jose with Convention fever" (p. 1), "Police Commission Seeking Broader Powers to Limit Parades in L.A. City" (p. 1), "New Jersey school bans Jewish skullcap" (p. 1), "Map makers removing anti-racial names" (p. 1), "Patsy …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 6 (February 6, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-6)
Selected article titles: "Issei first to get new DAR pin" (p. 1), "26 State Solons Co-Author Cal. FEPC Measure" (p. 1), "IDC to discuss marriage bias laws" (p. 1), "Hawaii maintains vigorous campaign to push citizenship training classes for aliens" (p. 3), "Chinese tongs provided insurance against want, place to stay in San Francisco" (p. 3), …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 12 (September 21, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-38)
Selected article titles: "Refugee farm workers runoff, jeopardize program" (p. 1), "Refugee workers quitting camp scored by Masaoka" (p. 1), "Nisei aspirant for Wash. state seal loses in primaries" (p. 1), "Mike Masaoka postpones departure to Japan, to testify on trade matters" (p. 1), "25,000 Japanese war brides" (p. 2), "Japan Festival" (p. 2), "People in …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 42, No. 11 (March 16, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-11)
Selected article titles: "Ham Say Naim case refused 2nd time by Supreme Court" (p. 1), "Slur Against Japanese Americans in radio broadcast reported by JACler" (p. 1), "'No spectators in democracy--each of us must help make it work', Issei told" (p. 1), "Nat'l JACL credit union declared 5% dividend again as growth reflected" (p. 4), "Minnesota …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 42, No. 7 (Febuary 17, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-7)
Selected article titles: "Bill implementing Ike's message on immigration ups Japan quota: 563" (p. 1), "House Judiciary considering Lane-Hillings claim bill" (p. 1), "Publication of Letter Arouses Nisei Protest to Newsweek" (p. 1), "JACL telegram defends Nisei loyalty to U.S. in reply to magazine letter" (p. 1), "Colorado community boasts of 100% in naturalization of eligible …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 42, No. 19 (May 11, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-19)
Selected article titles: "Sen. Kuchel meets Bay Area JACLers, community leaders" (p. 1), "Population Study of Midwest Japanese Due" (p. 1), "Three Television Networks in All-Out Effort to Avoid Offending Minorities in Songs, Some Banned, Changed" (p. 1), "Eisenhower Has Bill OK'd by Congress Permitting Use of Mongolian Labor" (p. 1), "Magnuson urges claims bill passage" …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 25 (December 21, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-51)
Selected article titles: "Ishihara had plenty to say on any subject but himself" (p. 3), "Immigrants and an Incredible Law" (p. 4), "Nisei became aware of prejudice on Dec. 7" (p. 5), "Ken Utsunomiya: a legacy of courage and faith" (p. 6), "Interest of other Asian ancestry groups in United States necessary" (p. 7), "Six San …

Scrapbook for Southern Alameda County Chapter of JACL (ddr-densho-491-180)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1953-1955