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121 items
Winston Churchill deboarding a plane (ddr-njpa-1-86)
img Winston Churchill deboarding a plane (ddr-njpa-1-86)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Churchill Enters Cabinet. (London) Domei. With war declared on Germany, Mr. Churchill, Mr. Eden, and others entered the cabinet as part of a wartime unity government. Photograph: Winston Churchill, the new First Lord of the Admiralty, returning from inspecting the Maginot Line in mid-August. [stamped] September 5, 1939."
Neville Chamberlain fishing (ddr-njpa-1-16)
img Neville Chamberlain fishing (ddr-njpa-1-16)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "(3) Prime Minister Chamberlain fishing in the Avon River on the weekend."
Dwight D. Eisenhower bidding good luck to paratroopers headed to France (ddr-njpa-1-223)
img Dwight D. Eisenhower bidding good luck to paratroopers headed to France (ddr-njpa-1-223)
Caption on reverse: "6/10/44. U.S. Gen. Eisenhower Bids Good Luck to Paratroopers Leaving for France. U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower (hands in pockets), Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, talks informally with a corporal in an American paratroop unit about to be flown over northern France for landings near German objectives, on June 6, 1944. …
Ira C. Eaker (ddr-njpa-1-255)
img Ira C. Eaker (ddr-njpa-1-255)
Caption on reverse: "Heads U.S. Flyers in Europe. Major General Ira C. Eaker, newly appointed commander of the Eighth United States Army Air Force operating out of Great Britain. He succeeds Major General Carl A. Spaatz, recently assigned to the North African theater. Gen. Eaker has personally bombing raids on the Axis in the Continent."
Winston Churchill observing England's defenses (ddr-njpa-1-75)
img Winston Churchill observing England's defenses (ddr-njpa-1-75)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Prime Minister Churchill Firm to the Bitter End. (London) Domei. Prime Minister Churchill, filled with fighting spirit, observing the condition of defenses on the northeastern English coast with a machine gun in hand. [stamped] August 20, 1940."
David Lloyd George with his dog (ddr-njpa-1-1205)
img David Lloyd George with his dog (ddr-njpa-1-1205)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Newspaper Rengo Overseas Photographic News February 14. Aging but Still Active. Lloyd George, elder of the British Political World. (Churt, England) Rengo. The aging but still active and full of energy elder statesman of British politics Lloyd George, who announced Britain's New Deal policy, recently celebrated his 72nd birthday at his country …
Winston Chuchill meeting crewmen of the HMS Hardy (ddr-njpa-1-78)
img Winston Chuchill meeting crewmen of the HMS Hardy (ddr-njpa-1-78)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Heroes of the Battle of Narvik Return. The British destroyer HMS Hardy, which fought a fierce battle against the German navy near Narvik, returned on April 19 to cheers from the citizens of London. Photograph: Churchill meeting crewmen from the Hardy. [stamped] May 16, 1940."
War Relocation Authority notice on evacuee requests for material from Chambers of Commerce and other local agencies (ddr-densho-381-21)
doc War Relocation Authority notice on evacuee requests for material from Chambers of Commerce and other local agencies (ddr-densho-381-21)
Myer addresses prejudiced responses to Japanese-American high school students' requests for statistical information about the New England area. Myer recommends that staff discourage direct correspondence between detainees and outside agencies.
Scene the Pictorial Magazine Vol. 1 No. 6 (October 1949) (ddr-densho-266-11)
doc Scene the Pictorial Magazine Vol. 1 No. 6 (October 1949) (ddr-densho-266-11)
Selected article titles: "The Midwest Views its First Full-length Program of Japanese Dances" (p. 8), "Kiyosato--A New England Village in Japan" (p. 50), "Toshiko Hasegawa, Operatic Star" (p. 13).
General Togo visiting Seattle (ddr-densho-35-300)
img General Togo visiting Seattle (ddr-densho-35-300)
General Heihachiro Togo was famous for winning the Battle of Tsushima in the Russo-Japanese War. It is speculated that he visited Seattle on his way back to Japan from England in 1911.
General Togo visiting Seattle (ddr-densho-35-198)
img General Togo visiting Seattle (ddr-densho-35-198)
General Heihachiro Togo was famous for winning the Battle of Tsushima in the Russo-Japanese war. It is speculated that he visited Seattle on his way back to Japan from England in 1911.
General Togo visiting Seattle (ddr-densho-35-197)
img General Togo visiting Seattle (ddr-densho-35-197)
General Heihachiro Togo was famous for winning the Battle of Tsushima in the Russo-Japanese war. It is speculated that he visited Seattle on his way back to Japan from England in 1911.
Tulean Dispatch Vol. 6 No. 37 (August 28, 1943) (ddr-densho-65-393)
doc Tulean Dispatch Vol. 6 No. 37 (August 28, 1943) (ddr-densho-65-393)
Selected article titles: "Physical Exams Begin Here" (p. 1), "Films of Baltimore, New York Will be Shown Sat." (p. 1), "Laundry at Canteens Only" (p. 1), "New England Area Good for Relocation" (p. 1).
Topaz Times Vol. V No. 20 (November 18, 1943) (ddr-densho-142-239)
doc Topaz Times Vol. V No. 20 (November 18, 1943) (ddr-densho-142-239)
Selected article titles: "Evacuee Workers Harvest Many Crops in Provo. 15,144 Work Days Contributed" (p. 1), "Gasoline Usage to be Cut 40%" (p. 1), "New England People Feel Evacuees Can be Trusted" (p. 3).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 29 No. 16 (October 15, 1949) (ddr-pc-21-41)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 29 No. 16 (October 15, 1949) (ddr-pc-21-41)
Selected article titles: "Committee Reports Out Walter Resolution" (p. 1), "Evidence of Fitness of Issei for Citizenship Overwhelming, Says Senate Judiciary Group" (p. 1), "New England Chapter Asks JACL to Fight Movie Racism" (p. 2).
Granada Pioneer Vol. III No. 82 (August 11, 1945) (ddr-densho-147-291)
doc Granada Pioneer Vol. III No. 82 (August 11, 1945) (ddr-densho-147-291)
Selected article titles: "Grand Jury Indicts Watsons. Doi May Testify if Trial Held" (p. 1), "Deplores Discrimination of Nisei War Veterans" (p. 1), "Repatriates Must Also Plan" (p. 3), "Advises on New England Area" (p. 3).
Poston Chronicle Vol. XXI No. 15 (November 14, 1944) (ddr-densho-145-582)
doc Poston Chronicle Vol. XXI No. 15 (November 14, 1944) (ddr-densho-145-582)
Selected article titles: "Poston's Population Increases as Those on Seasonal Return" (p. 1), "Community Activities to Assist in Encouraging 'Sumo' Again on Block Activity Basis" (p. 2), "Over 300 Have Gone to New England Area" (p. 3).
Manzanar Free Press Vol. III No. 72 (September 8, 1943) (ddr-densho-125-164)
doc Manzanar Free Press Vol. III No. 72 (September 8, 1943) (ddr-densho-125-164)
Selected article titles: "System Altered for Departure" (p. 1), "Personal Property of Segregees Explained" (p. 1), "Congress Elects New Directors" (p. 1), "Visual Education Directors Meet" (p. 1), "Editorial: Harvesting Public Opinion" (p. 2), "New England Area Favorable" (p. 2).
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 39 (November 20, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-64)
doc Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 39 (November 20, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-64)
Selected article titles: "Myer Releases True Facts About Tule Lake Rumors" (p. 1), "New Group 'Asks' Demands at Tule" (p. 1), "Hunt Census Instructions Released by Statistics. Plans Set For Tuesday Evening Round; Accuracy of Information Requested" (p. 1), "Burglar Breaks In Canteen Forty" (p. 1), "Volunteers Save Tule Lake Crops" (p. 1), "Life in New …
Clipping photo of men watching the USS New Orleans enter Portsmouth Harbour (ddr-njpa-13-110)
img Clipping photo of men watching the USS New Orleans enter Portsmouth Harbour (ddr-njpa-13-110)
Caption on front: "ENGLAND SEES THE LATEST DEVELOPMENT IN AMERICAN NAVAL CONSTRUCTION: THE U. S. S. NEW ORLEANS. Entering Portsmouth Harbor, the First Ship of Its Class to Visit British Waters. She Aroused Keen Interest Among England's Naval Experts. (Times Wide World Photos, London Bureau.)"
Letter from Martha Tsuchida to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-79)
doc Letter from Martha Tsuchida to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-422-79)
William is hoping to get a job in Japan after his jobs in England is up, they are trying to get pregnant, but so far no luck, are looking forward to having a good dinner in Chinatown as soon as they get to SF
Letter from Martha Tsuchida to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-40)
doc Letter from Martha Tsuchida to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-40)
William is hoping to get a job in Japan after his jobs in England is up, they are trying to get pregnant, but so far no luck, are looking forward to having a good dinner in Chinatown as soon as they get to SF
Art Hansen Interview I Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1000-295-11)
vh Art Hansen Interview I Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1000-295-11)
Studying in England

This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.

Heart Mountain Sentinel Vol. IV No. 7 (February 10, 1945) (ddr-densho-97-219)
doc Heart Mountain Sentinel Vol. IV No. 7 (February 10, 1945) (ddr-densho-97-219)
Selected article titles: "Final Relocation Program Now Operating Smoothly, Advisory Group Declares" (p. 1), "Editorial: Representation of and by the People?" (p. 4), "New England Offers Many Opportunities to Evacuees. Northeast Area People Friendly, Considerate" (p. 5), "Few Opposing Return of Nisei in Seattle Area, Says Missionary" (p. 8).
Heart Mountain Sentinel Vol. II No. 26 (June 26, 1943) (ddr-densho-97-134)
doc Heart Mountain Sentinel Vol. II No. 26 (June 26, 1943) (ddr-densho-97-134)
Selected article titles: "Supreme Court Rules Military Restrictions on Nisei Constitutional" (p. 1), "Short Wave Radios Banned" (p. 1), "Myer Defends Evacuees in National Broadcast" (p. 1), "Area Boundary Rules Stressed" (p. 1), "Editorial: Reading of a More Pleasant Sort" (p. 4), "Acceptance of Nisei in East Told by New England Visitor" (p. 8).