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402 items
Takashi Hori - Yoshito Mizuta - Elmer Tazuma Segment 35 (ddr-densho-1000-25-35)
vh Takashi Hori - Yoshito Mizuta - Elmer Tazuma Segment 35 (ddr-densho-1000-25-35)
The Seattle Japanese Hotel Association's role in dealing with the minimum housing code
Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 24 (August 7, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-50)
doc Minidoka Irrigator Vol. III No. 24 (August 7, 1943) (ddr-densho-119-50)
Selected article titles: "Next Exchange of Japanese, U.S. Citizens Seen After September 1" (p. 1), "Population Drops" (p. 1), "Contraband Being Consolidated In Three Warehouses" (p. 1), "Dependents Defined For Income Tax Law" (p. 1), "WRA Exposes Dies Committee Distortions in Reports Series" (p. 1), "Evacuee Exchange Means Peak Population For Hunt. October Movement Sees Interchange …
Peggy Tanemura Interview (ddr-densho-1000-85)
vh Peggy Tanemura Interview (ddr-densho-1000-85)
Ni-ten-gosei (half Nisei, half Sansei) female. Born June 3, 1932, in Seattle, Washington. Incarcerated at the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington; Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho; and Tule Lake segregation center, California. Returned to Seattle after the war and stayed temporarily at the Seattle Japanese Language School.
Information Digest No. 51 (ddr-densho-156-409)
doc Information Digest No. 51 (ddr-densho-156-409)
Section titles: "Elmer Rowalt, Deputy Director, Passes Away"; "Segregation Completed"; "Welfare Section Interviews Thousands at Tule Lake"; "American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars Resolutions"; "Departure on Indefinite Leave"; "Employment of Evacuees by Federal Agencies Gaining Favor"; "Project Employment Set-up Revised"; "Personnel Changes"; "Informational Literature for Evacuees to be Distributed"; "Student Relocation Council to be Disolved …
Francis Mas Fukuhara Segment 24 (ddr-densho-1000-9-24)
vh Francis Mas Fukuhara Segment 24 (ddr-densho-1000-9-24)
Thoughts on the Japanese American Citizens League's handling of the draft resisters issue