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1719 items
Christmas postcard from Shirley H. Rutherford (ddr-densho-329-920)
doc Christmas postcard from Shirley H. Rutherford (ddr-densho-329-920)
Christmas postcard with a printed greeting and a design of Santa Claus ringing a bell. Signed "Merry Xmas from Shirley H. Rutherford"
Kaneji Domoto, Creator of Dream Gardens of Water and Stone (ddr-densho-329-851)
doc Kaneji Domoto, Creator of Dream Gardens of Water and Stone (ddr-densho-329-851)
Clipping from the "New Men's News" column of the Westchester Women's News featuring a profile of Kan Domoto. Article reviews his local and more far-flung work, touches on his involvement with the redress and reparations movement, and mentions a May 14 tour of six of his local gardens. Features four photographs, including one portrait of Kan …
Social studies membership card (ddr-densho-329-888)
doc Social studies membership card (ddr-densho-329-888)
Kaneji Domoto's membership card for the Association of Social Studies Classes at Roosevelt High School
Letter to Yuri Tsukada from Wakako Domoto (ddr-densho-356-174)
doc Letter to Yuri Tsukada from Wakako Domoto (ddr-densho-356-174)
Letter to Yuriko "Yuri" Domoto Tsukada from her sister Wakako "Wak" Domoto. The letter was written over the course of a week or more around Thanksgiving and discusses Wakako's daily experiences and inquires if Yuriko or their brother Kaneji would be interested in a couple pieces of furniture she no longer wants.
Postcard to Yuri Tsukada and Kan Domoto from Mine Okubo (ddr-densho-356-642)
doc Postcard to Yuri Tsukada and Kan Domoto from Mine Okubo (ddr-densho-356-642)
Postcard to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada and her brother Kaneji Domoto from Mine Okubo. Mine writes to invite them to an art exhibit and inform them about her pending eviction. Written on the front of the card are notes that appear to have been written by Yuri regarding the content of the postcard.
Collection of letters and notes to Yuri Domoto regarding Domoto Bros Nursery (ddr-densho-356-175)
doc Collection of letters and notes to Yuri Domoto regarding Domoto Bros Nursery (ddr-densho-356-175)
Collection of letters and notes to Domoto family members all stored in an envelope to Yuriko "Yuri" Domoto Tsukada from her sister Wakako "Wak" Domoto. Letter 1: To Wakako Domoto from Peter Milan who ran Toichi Domoto's (eldest brother to Domoto sisters) nursery in Hayward, California while the family was incarcerated. Letter 1 inquires about items …
Letter to Yuri Domoto from Richard Tsukada (ddr-densho-356-451)
doc Letter to Yuri Domoto from Richard Tsukada (ddr-densho-356-451)
Letter to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from her future husband Richard "Dick" Tsukada. Dick writes the progress of his job hunt, excietment to see Yuri, and details about how he has been spending time with Yuri's brother Kaneji Domoto. Item tied together with all objects between ddr-densho-356-492 and ddr-densho-356-534.
Kubota Gardens: Is it being uprooted? (ddr-densho-329-855)
doc Kubota Gardens: Is it being uprooted? (ddr-densho-329-855)
Clipping from Seattle paper Beacon Hill News describing Kan Domoto's visit to the local Kubota Gardens and his advocacy for the garden's preservation. Next to the article is the headline "Hirabayashi conviction overturned" with accompanying article. Written on the back is a note from Kan to Kris Domoto, "Dear Kris: This is what I'm up on …