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2629 items
Letter from Sally (Fujii) Domoto to Kimiko Fujii Kitayama (ddr-densho-329-945)
doc Letter from Sally (Fujii) Domoto to Kimiko Fujii Kitayama (ddr-densho-329-945)
Letter from Sally to Kizie (Kimiko) mentioning a recent visit from her sisters Su and Hana, with bad weather. Also tells Kimiko that she is pregnant with a fourth child and hasn't yet told her parents.
Letter from Sally (Fujii) Domoto to Kimiko Fujii Kitayama (ddr-densho-329-946)
doc Letter from Sally (Fujii) Domoto to Kimiko Fujii Kitayama (ddr-densho-329-946)
Letter from Sally. She talks about her advancing pregnancy, changes in her figure, speculations about the sex of the baby. The start of summer vacation, a recent visit from Hana for a weekend. "I guess the JACL convention must be over by now - hope you had a good time.� Discusses possibility of bringing their mother …
Letter from Sally (Fujii) Domoto to Kimiko Fujii Kitayama (ddr-densho-329-947)
doc Letter from Sally (Fujii) Domoto to Kimiko Fujii Kitayama (ddr-densho-329-947)
Letter from Sally from the hospital where she has given birth to her fourth child. Kan has returned from a trip to New Jersey with a puppy. Hana visited recently. Thoughts about her sister-in-law Yuri's kids. Debates about what to name the baby, leaning towards Christine. Cousin Andy has gone out west.