7 items
7 items

Domoto Bros. business card (ddr-densho-329-845)
Business card for the Domoto Bros. nursery business. Reads "Domoto Bros. Nurseries / Incorporated / Growers & Importers / of / All Kinds of Plants & Bulbs." Addresses provided for the "nurseries & sales yard" in Oakland and the "cut flower depot" in San Francisco.

Letter to Domoto Bros. Nursery (ddr-densho-356-197)
Envelope addressed to Domoto Bros. Nurseries from Yo. K. Domoto of Domoto Co. Importers & Exporters, postmarked 8.2.24 (Taisho 8 - 1919, February 24 on the front and postmarked March 15, 1919 and March 17, 1919 on the back. Paper stored in envelope is a list of personal items to be called for and stored, some …

Letter to Domoto Bros. Nursery (ddr-densho-356-199)
Envelope addressed to Domoto Bros. postmarked Dec. 27, 1922 Santa Rosa, California. Stored in the envelope were two letters and three postcard. First letter stored in envelope is to Mr. Domoto from K. Nagasawa of Santa Rosa dated Dec. 27, 1922. The letter is an acknowledgment of a shipment of flowers as a gift, and a …

Domoto Bros Nursery business cards (ddr-densho-356-176)
Four business cards for the Domoto Brothers Nursery.

Collection of letters and notes to Yuri Domoto regarding Domoto Bros Nursery (ddr-densho-356-175)
Collection of letters and notes to Domoto family members all stored in an envelope to Yuriko "Yuri" Domoto Tsukada from her sister Wakako "Wak" Domoto. Letter 1: To Wakako Domoto from Peter Milan who ran Toichi Domoto's (eldest brother to Domoto sisters) nursery in Hayward, California while the family was incarcerated. Letter 1 inquires about items …