334 items
334 items

Adolf Hitler inspecting his bodyguards (ddr-njpa-1-661)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "(Berlin) Domei. Photograph: Fuhrer Hitler inspects his bodyguard, arrayed on Wilhelmstrasse in front of the Chancellery."

Adolf Hitler observing the front line (ddr-njpa-1-659)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News September 9, 1938. German Grand Autumn Exercises. (Berlin) Domei. 12 week-long autumn military exercises began on October 15, with fighting that held the passion of real battle. Photographs: Fuhrer (center) observing the front line on August 20 and the outstanding work of the artillery."

Francisco Franco at the Catalonia front (ddr-njpa-1-352)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas A News February 10, 1939. General Franco at the Front. (Burgos) Domei. With the fall of Barcelona and the taking of Madrid already certain, all of Spain has come under the grasp of Franco's forces. Photograph: General Franco at the Catalonia front. [stamped] February 12, 1939."

Gandhi speaking at the opening ceremony for the All India Museum of Agriculture and Industry (ddr-njpa-1-445)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas A News January 27, 1939. India Moving. (Madras) Domei. The All India Museum of Agriculture and Industry, which Mahatma Gandhi had advocated for, was recently completed in Wardha. Photograph: (1) the entrance to the museum. (2) Gandhi (center) giving a congratulatory address at the opening ceremony."

Sonja Henie (ddr-njpa-1-629)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Sports News February 25, 1937. Recent News of Sonja Henie. (New York) Domei. Photograph: Queen of the rink Sonja Henie presenting a celebratory bouquet to the President's mother at a great gala held here at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel on January 30 to celebrate President Roosevelt's birthday."

Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini riding in a car (ddr-njpa-1-663)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News May 26 1938. German-Italian Axis Grows Increasingly Strong. (Rome) Domei. Amidst the critical state of affairs in the European political world, the Berlin-Rome Axis was further strengthened by Chancellor Hitler's visit to Rome. Photograph: The two leaders headed to the grand naval review in Naples."

Neville Chamberlain walking with an umbrella (ddr-njpa-1-17)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Wartime London. (London) Domei. Photograph: Prime Minister Chamberlain arriving at Parliament with his umbrella. [stamped] October 14, 1939"

Sonja Henie, Cecilia Colledge, Liselotte Landbeck, and Maxi Herber (ddr-njpa-1-625)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Sports News January 27. Beautiful Flowers of the Olympics. Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany) Domei. The Winter Olympics have finally begun and the representatives of each nation are giving their all in the competition. Photograph: The stars of women's figure skating (from left): Britain's Cecilia Colledge, Norway's Sonja Henie, Austria's Liselotte Landbeck, Germany's …

Hiram Johnson (ddr-njpa-1-523)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Amendment to the Neutrality Act Already [...]. (Washington) Domei. […] in the House [...] water down [...] July 11 [...] Senate [...]. Photograph: President Roosevelt [...]."

Louis Ferdinand and Kira Kirillovna on their honeymoon (ddr-njpa-1-338)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas A News August 2, 1938. Honeymoon. (Honolulu) Domei. Continuing their honeymoon trip around the world, HRH Louis Ferdinand, the grandson of the former German Kaiser (Wilhelm), and his wife shed their traveling clothes here, embracing the spirit of the land of the eternal summer (taken July 8). Photograph: the …

Vittorio Mussolini and his wife Milanese Mussolini on their wedding day (ddr-njpa-1-948)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News February 25, 1937. Marriage of Prime Minister Mussolini's Son. (Rome) Domei. As previously announced, Italian Prime Minister Mussolini's son Vittorio married Ms. Orsola Buvoli here on February 6. The bride is a bright young woman from Milan who will turn 22 this year. Photograph: (1) The new bride …

Lazaro Cardenas, President of Mexico (ddr-njpa-1-97)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News. Uprising in Mexico. (Mexico) Domei. Mexican President Cardenas traveled to San Luis Potosi on May 24 to suppress an uprising of farmers there sparked by the followers of his political opponent General Cedillo. Photograph: President Cardenas (left) and federal troops arriving at San Luis Potosi station after hearing …

Neville Chamberlain walking (ddr-njpa-1-13)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News June 23, 1937. The Life of British Prime Minister Chamberlain. (London) Domei. The leisurely daily routine of Mr. Neville Chamberlain, who has succeeded Baldwin as prime minister of the British Empire: (1) Prime Minister Chamberlain leaving No. 10 Downing Street for his first visit to the House of …

Maxim Litvinov standing with another man (ddr-njpa-1-1233)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas A News October 10, 1938. Litvinov in Danger. (Moscow) Domei. The insatiable storm of Red Russia's purge seems to be reaching even Foreign Minister Litvinov, seen as Stalin's right hand man. The outcome is being closely watched. Photograph: Litvinov (right) speaking with French Foreign Minister Bonnet at the League …