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334 items
Asahi Shimbun writer speaking to another man (ddr-njpa-4-688)
img Asahi Shimbun writer speaking to another man (ddr-njpa-4-688)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "National delegate for Asahi Shimbun newspaper."
Shizue Natsukawa and Nobuo Iida on their wedding day (ddr-njpa-4-1386)
img Shizue Natsukawa and Nobuo Iida on their wedding day (ddr-njpa-4-1386)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Happy moment for Shizue Natsukawa. The wedding ceremony for popular screen actress Miss Shizue Natsukawa and composer Nobuo Iida was held at the Grand Shrine in Iidabashi on the 18th at 11 a.m. with a happy mood. The photo is the happy couple."
Koichi Kido (ddr-njpa-4-392)
img Koichi Kido (ddr-njpa-4-392)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Minister of Health and Welfare Koichi Kido dressed for appointment ceremony."
Kimitomo Mushakoji at an exhibition with his wife (ddr-njpa-4-1123)
img Kimitomo Mushakoji at an exhibition with his wife (ddr-njpa-4-1123)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei International News photo. Farmers' Hands Industrial Goods popular in Berlin. (Berlin). The exhibition of Farmers' Hands Industrial Goods held here recently is attracting the interest of Berlin's citizens with its peculiar exquisiteness and ideas. The picture shows our ambassador to Germany, Mushakoji, and his wife at the exhibition hall."
Saneatsu Mushanokoji (ddr-njpa-4-1129)
img Saneatsu Mushanokoji (ddr-njpa-4-1129)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Saneatsu Mushanokoji, Asama Maru, Dec 12 1936."
Tsuruhei Matsuno reading a newspaper (ddr-njpa-4-884)
img Tsuruhei Matsuno reading a newspaper (ddr-njpa-4-884)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Seiyu party chief secretary Tsuruhei Matsuno."
Takiko Mizunoe and others buying International Exposition tickets (ddr-njpa-4-738)
img Takiko Mizunoe and others buying International Exposition tickets (ddr-njpa-4-738)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Buying a ticket for the International Expo."
Yorinaga Matsudaira addressing the House of Peers (ddr-njpa-4-816)
img Yorinaga Matsudaira addressing the House of Peers (ddr-njpa-4-816)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "House of Peers chairman, Count Yorinaga Matsudaira."
Chikubei Nakajima (ddr-njpa-4-1292)
img Chikubei Nakajima (ddr-njpa-4-1292)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Chikubei Nakajima, Minister of Railways."
Kosho Otani in a military truck (ddr-njpa-4-1643)
img Kosho Otani in a military truck (ddr-njpa-4-1643)
Caption on reverse (incomplete) [translation]: "Honpa Hongwanji, Kosho Otani (26)."
Galeazzo Ciano walking with his son, Fabrizio (ddr-njpa-1-58)
img Galeazzo Ciano walking with his son, Fabrizio (ddr-njpa-1-58)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Count Ciano as Father. (Rome) Domei. The hard-working Foreign Minister Ciano, who has become Prime Minister Mussolini's right hand man, played the father today, accompanying his beloved son Fabrizio on his first day of school. Photograph: Foreign Minister Ciano taking his son Fabrizio to school. [stamped] November 15, 1938."
William Cosmo Gordon Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury speaking in the Royal Albert Hall (ddr-njpa-1-90)
img William Cosmo Gordon Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury speaking in the Royal Albert Hall (ddr-njpa-1-90)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Archibishop of Canterbury as Moderator. (London) Domei. An anti-Japanese public meeting held by The News Chronicle, a paper aligned with the Liberal Party, was moderated by the Archbishop of Canterbury on the night of October 5 at Royal Albert Hall and attended by people from all over. The Archbishop's address was followed …
Mary Pickford and Buddy Rogers in a gondola (ddr-njpa-1-1131)
img Mary Pickford and Buddy Rogers in a gondola (ddr-njpa-1-1131)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Mary Pickford Goes to Venice. (Venice) Domei. Mary Pickford, the world's sweetheart who divorced Douglas Fairbanks, recently married Buddy Rogers. The couple have come to Venice for their honeymoon. Photograph: the happy couple in a gondola. [Stamped] July 14, 1939."
Joseph Goebbels shaking hands with Carl Froelich (ddr-njpa-1-536)
img Joseph Goebbels shaking hands with Carl Froelich (ddr-njpa-1-536)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Professor Carl Froelich Reaches His 65th Birthday. (Berlin) Domei. Hitler gave the great scholar Prof. Carl Froelich, who reached his 65th birthday, the KD [?] Medal on September 5. Photograph: Professor Froelich (left) being congratulated by Propaganda Minister Goebbels. [Stamped] October 3, 1940."
Greta Garbo and Leopold Stokowksi at the Vatican (ddr-njpa-1-494)
img Greta Garbo and Leopold Stokowksi at the Vatican (ddr-njpa-1-494)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Garbo Accompanied. (Rome) Domei. Greta Garbo, accompanied by her beloved famous conductor Stokowski, unexpectedly appeared in this city on March 24, surprising her fans. Photograph: the couple seeing Vatican museum. As usual, Garbo hides her face from the camera. [Written] April 16, 193[...]."
Henry and Edsel Ford in front of the 25 millionth Ford car (ddr-njpa-1-363)
img Henry and Edsel Ford in front of the 25 millionth Ford car (ddr-njpa-1-363)
Caption on reverse [translation]: 44 Years of Effort. (Detroit) Domei. King of Automobiles Ford describing the painstaking hard work from the building of the first Ford automobile forty-four years ago to the twenty-five millionth chic, streamlined Ford car built this year to his son Edsel. Photograph: the first Ford and the 25 millionth one, constructed at …
Charles Edison and Admiral James Richardson observing exercises (ddr-njpa-1-248)
img Charles Edison and Admiral James Richardson observing exercises (ddr-njpa-1-248)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "US Navy Large Exercises Celebrated. (San Pedro, California) Domei. Several hundred ships and 50,000 men have been mobilized for the unprecedented Pacific exercises which began at last on April 2. Photograph: Secretary of the Navy Charles Edison (left) and Admiral James Richardson observing the exercises from the deck of the flagship Pennsylvania. …
Adolf Hitler shaking hands with Hermann Goering (ddr-njpa-1-656)
img Adolf Hitler shaking hands with Hermann Goering (ddr-njpa-1-656)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Two Leaders Meet. (Berlin) Domei. Fuhrer Hitler visited Germany's number two, Marshall Goering, at his private residence in the suburbs of Berlin and gave his heartfelt congratulations to his dear friend as he celebrated his 47th birthday on February 2. [Stamped] March 7, 1940."
Adolf Hitler saying farewell to Benito Mussolini (ddr-njpa-1-654)
img Adolf Hitler saying farewell to Benito Mussolini (ddr-njpa-1-654)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Two Leaders Separate. (Munich) Domei. Chancellor Hitler and Prime Minister Mussolini, two leading figures of the world, in Munich after saying farewell and promising to meet again after finishing an important meeting on the new order in Europe. [Stamped] July 17, 1940."
Joe Louis vs.Bob Pastor (ddr-njpa-1-1195)
img Joe Louis vs.Bob Pastor (ddr-njpa-1-1195)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Invincible Louis. (Detroit) Domei. In the September 20 heavyweight championship match at Detroit's Briggs Stadium between Joe Louis and Bob Pastor, Louis finally displayed his invicible style in the 11th round and knocked out Pastor. Photograph: The moment when Louis' (left) splendid punch toppled Pastor. [Stamped] October 12, 1939."
Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford (ddr-njpa-1-1134)
img Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford (ddr-njpa-1-1134)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Hollywood Pictorial Romance. (Los Angeles) Domei. [illegible] surprised by the news that Mary Pickford had divorced Douglas Fairbanks, the announcement this summer that she is now engaged to Buddy Rogers caused the Hollywood movie world to exclaim in wonder. Recently, [illegible] appearing in and out of Hollywood, giving the gossips [illegible]. Photograph: …
Herbert Hoover on a fishing trip with Lawrence Richey (ddr-njpa-1-613)
img Herbert Hoover on a fishing trip with Lawrence Richey (ddr-njpa-1-613)
"Caption on reverse [translation]: "(New York) Domei. Former US President Herbert Hoover and his former secretary Lawrence Richey departed on a fishing trip, away from the pressures of governing. The two enjoyed spending their day talking about fishing, far from politics. Photographs: 1. Secretary Richey uses his hands to show the size of a wonderful fish …
Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling (ddr-njpa-1-1196)
img Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling (ddr-njpa-1-1196)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "(New York) Domei. Pre-match expectations were undone in the Schmeling-Louis world heavyweight championship match which drew the attention of the world when rather than the expected Schmeling victory, 'Brown Bomber' Louis delivered a crushing defeat via technical knockout a mere two minutes, four seconds into the match. Photograph: Schmeling grabs the ropes …