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334 items
A Domei editor (ddr-njpa-4-2010)
img A Domei editor (ddr-njpa-4-2010)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "[?] Okamura visits Europe. [?] Okamura, vice chief of the editorial office of Domei news agency, boarded a train at Tokyo Station at 3:00 p.m. on the afternoon of the 12th. He will accompany the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who is visiting Europe. Okamura is the representative of our press and started …
Seattle Domei Bai (ddr-densho-474-10)
img Seattle Domei Bai (ddr-densho-474-10)
First row (left to right): Rev. Eiji Kauramorita, Presby[terian]; Mr. Suekichi Amano, Baptist; Rev. Fukumatsu Okoyaki, Baptist; Rev. Yuzuru Yamaka, Methodist; Mr. Izuru Tofo, Methodist; Rev. Genji Shoji, Episcopal. 2nd Row (left to right): M. ?, Episcopal; M. Fujahora, Methodist; Mr. Richie Fujimoto, Episcopal; Mr. Shuji Terazura, Congregational; Mr. Choraku Hashujuki, Congregational; Mr. ?; Mr. Nagano …
Hideo Nakamoto, a Domei journalist (ddr-njpa-4-1343)
img Hideo Nakamoto, a Domei journalist (ddr-njpa-4-1343)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "English journalist, Hideo Nakamoto"
Domei Tsushin New York employee (ddr-njpa-4-1904)
img Domei Tsushin New York employee (ddr-njpa-4-1904)
An employee of Domei Tsushin New York Branch called at port on the Asama during a voyage to Japan.
Shigeharu Matsumoto (ddr-njpa-4-848)
img Shigeharu Matsumoto (ddr-njpa-4-848)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei News Agency Shanghai [?] branch director."
Adolf Hitler at the 8th Nazi rally (ddr-njpa-1-662)
img Adolf Hitler at the 8th Nazi rally (ddr-njpa-1-662)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News September 25. Fuhrer Hitler [illegible]. (Nuremberg) Domei September 8. [illegible] recreation of Greater Germany [illegible] Fuhrer Hitler today [illegible] 8th Nazi rally [illegible] crowd of 80,000 [illegible]. Photograph: Fuhrer Hitler [illegible]."
Romano Mussolini posing in skis (ddr-njpa-1-949)
img Romano Mussolini posing in skis (ddr-njpa-1-949)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas A News February 9, 1939. Covered in Snow. (Rocca Del, Italy) Domei. Italian Prime Minister Mussolini's son Romano practices skiing amid the snow while on vacation with his father. Photograph: A dashing young Romano."
Wang Ching-ting smoking a cigar (ddr-njpa-1-1105)
img Wang Ching-ting smoking a cigar (ddr-njpa-1-1105)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News November 9, 1937. Manipulating Public Opinion! (Washington) Domei. Chinese Ambassador Wang Ching-ting after he concocted facts to stir up anti-Japanese public opinion at a press conference at the Chinese embassy on October 9."
Men working on a plane (ddr-njpa-1-693)
img Men working on a plane (ddr-njpa-1-693)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News A July 19, 1938. About to Depart. (New York) Domei. The newest Lockheed passenger plane, which will carry American millionaire Howard Hughes as he attempts to set a new record for flying around the world."
Ramon Franco in military dress (ddr-njpa-1-293)
img Ramon Franco in military dress (ddr-njpa-1-293)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News November 24, 1938. The Activities of General Franco's Younger Brother. (Paris) Domei. Colonel Ramon Franco, General Franco's youger brother, is working for his brother's forces as an air force commander. Photograph: Colonel Franco. [stamped] November 23, 1938."
Portrait of a Kibei man (ddr-njpa-4-1147)
img Portrait of a Kibei man (ddr-njpa-4-1147)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei News. Department of Literature, journalist, Tamotsu Murayama. Arrived on Asama Maru, Nov 10, 1938"