5 items
5 items

Headshot of Mary Mon Toy (ddr-densho-367-73)
Promotional photo of Mary Mon Toy during her Vaudeville touring up and down the East Coast.

Promotional photo of Mary Mon Toy during her Vaudeville days (ddr-densho-367-72)
Promotional photo of Mary Mon Toy during her Vaudeville touring up and down the East Coast.

Miss Owen's class (ddr-densho-433-1272)
Written on verso: Left to right - Top Row - Lawerence Fernandez, Helen Gomez, Cecilia Mondera, Marie Sauza, Christopher Perriera, Rosie Cosmos, Second Row - Geno Rouderequious, Frances Cortez, Allen, Adeline Fernandez, Ida Motes, Carnation Gonsaloes, Tony Romeo, Third Row - Josephine Malan, Leno Agusta, Edward Lanerne, Evelyn George, Frank Romeo, First Row - Kimiko Fujii, …

Miss Owen's class (ddr-densho-433-1262)
Written on verso: Left to right - Top Row - Lawerence Fernandez, Helen Gomez, Cecilia Mondera, Marie Sauza, Christopher Perriera, Rosie Cosmos, Second Row - Geno Rouderequious, Frances Cortez, Allen, Adeline Fernandez, Ida Motes, Carnation Gonsaloes, Tony Romeo, Third Row - Josephine Malan, Leno Agusta, Edward Lanerne, Evelyn George, Frank Romeo, First Row - Kimiko Fujii, …

Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-175)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1969 and 1972.