187 items
Topaz Museum Collection (ddr-densho-1013)
This collection consists of interviews conducted in partnership with the Topaz Museum, a volunteer, non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve the original site of the World War II Internment Camp near Delta, Utah, to interpret its impact on the internees, their families, and the citizens of Utah and to educate the public in order to …
Miss Wakayama's class (ddr-densho-454-1)
Miss Wakayama's third or fourth grade class in Topaz. Written on the back in the upper left corner is "Yoshiye Handa Class-3rd grade teacher- Miss Wakayama Topaz, Utah" in green ink. Written on the back in the upper right corner is "Yoshiye" in pencil. Written on the in the lower right corner on an attached piece …
Miss Ino's third grade class (ddr-densho-454-2)
Written on the back in pencil is "Yoshiye Handa" in pencil. Written on the back on an attached piece of paper in the lower right corner is "Miss Ino's third grade 1942" in black ink.
Boy Scout band at Topaz (Central Utah) concentration camp (ddr-densho-22-463)
This Boy Scout band greets Japanese Americans arriving from Hawai'i.
Sewing class at Topaz (Central Utah) concentration camp (ddr-densho-22-464)
Women sewing stars onto a service flag during a sewing class in camp.
High school students cleaning up outside of Topaz High School (ddr-densho-392-52)
Caption on reverse: "H.S. clean up week. / 3-5-43 # HS 36 / Billie Oshima and his crew in action on clean-up day at the Topaz High School."
Minoru Iyeki's recounting of an incident in camp (ddr-densho-392-55)
Minoru Iyeki discusses an incident where her son, Kenneth Iyeki was burned responding to a fire in camp. As a result of this fire he missed his high school graduation ceremony. She also discusses the poor hospital facilities.
Narrative report of M & O (ddr-densho-392-53)
"Narrative Report of M & O / November 1942-August 1944 / by (Mrs.) Minoru Iyeki (Co-ordinator of M & O)."
Sketch of Margaret Iyeki writing a letter in Topaz (ddr-densho-392-60)
Caption on front: "Margaret letter writing."
Resolution on policy (ddr-densho-392-56)
A Topaz Community Council resolution discussing member resignation.
Final Report of the Topaz Postal Service Section (ddr-densho-392-82)
Page 4 is missing from this document.
Mr. Nakahara sleeping in his barracks in Topaz concentration camp (ddr-densho-392-48)
Caption written by Kenneth Iyeki: "Mr. Nakahara in slumber."
Monthly Report on Topaz Boy Scouts (ddr-densho-356-901)
Monthly Report on Topaz Boy Scouts for the month of March. Includes scout activities, and issues the troop faces due to circumstances.
Report on Juvenile Delinquency (ddr-densho-356-900)
Report on juvenile delinquency cases and how cases are processed and resolved by the community welfare section's youth guidance division in Topaz.
Report on Juvenile Delinquency and the Social Problems Existing in Topaz (ddr-densho-356-899)
Report on causes of juvenile delinquency in Topaz and suggestions to end the problem.
Group photo in front of the Topaz Community Cooperative Enterprises building (ddr-densho-292-2)
Caption on reverse: "Topaz Community Cooperative Enterprises. Coop @ Topaz management of movies. Mary Kaibe - 3rd from right, back row. Age 17. Mary left - government gave her $50 to go to Chicago to get work (after 3 1/2 years). Torakichi Nishioka worked in mess hall - washing dishes for $16 month (doctor [?] got …
Incident in Topaz Internment Camp (ddr-densho-292-53)
Seiji Kaibe recounts a time when he and several other young men tried to steal building materials from the Topaz Hospital construction site in order to better their own barracks. The men were caught by armed guards and Kaibe was almost shot. Bill T. Sakai also adds that they only received a reprimand the next day …