4 items
4 items
Postcard to Molly Wilson from June Yoshigai (Septmenber 16, 1944) (ddr-janm-1-90)
Postcard to Molly Wilson from June Yoshigai (September 16, 1944). It is postmarked September 18, 1944 from De Kalb, Illinois.
Letter (with envelope) to Molly Wilson from June Yoshigai (January 22, 1945) (ddr-janm-1-92)
Handwritten letter to Molly Wilson from June Yoshigai (January 22, 1945). Envelope is postmarked January 22, 1945 from De Kalb, Illinois.
Letter (with envelope) to Molly Wilson from June Yoshigai (January 6, 1945) (ddr-janm-1-91)
Handwritten letter to Molly Wilson from June Yoshigai (January 6, 1945). Envelope is postmarked January 8, 1945 from De Kalb, Illinois.
Christmas card to Molly Wilson from June Yoshigai (c. 1945) (ddr-janm-1-93)
Christmas card to Molly Wilson from June Yoshigai (c. 1945) from De Kalb, Illinois. White/red card with illustration in blue/green/red of a snow covered church. "A Joyous Christmas" is on the front top of card.