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18 items
Yuriko Date (ddr-ajah-6-380)
img Yuriko Date (ddr-ajah-6-380)
Caption below photo: Yuriko Date, of Alameda, CA., in a coat and hat, circa late 1930s
Portrait of Yuriko
img Portrait of Yuriko "Lily" Date (ddr-ajah-6-370)
Caption below photo: Yuriko "Lily" Date, of Alameda, CA., in a dramatically lit portrait, circa late 1930s to 1940. She was born June 24, 1922.
Portrait of Yuriko
img Portrait of Yuriko "Lily" Date (ddr-ajah-6-371)
Caption below photo: Yuri Date, of Alameda, CA., in a dramatically lit portrait, circa late 1930s to 1940. she was born June 24, 1922
Yuriko and Kazuo Date (ddr-ajah-6-381)
img Yuriko and Kazuo Date (ddr-ajah-6-381)
Caption below photo: Yuriko Date and her brother, Kazuo "Henry" of Alameda, CA., in a dramatically lit portrait. She was his favorite sister. Photo circa late 1930s
Two girls in kimonos (ddr-ajah-6-361)
img Two girls in kimonos (ddr-ajah-6-361)
Caption below photo: Yuriko "Lily" Date and her sister, Kiyoko "Florence" pose in Kimono, circa late 1920s.
Yuriko Date in front of florist shop (ddr-ajah-6-382)
img Yuriko Date in front of florist shop (ddr-ajah-6-382)
Caption below photo: Yuriko "Lily" Date standing in front of the family business, the Date Florist at 2304-2306 Encinal in Alameda, CA. Photo circa early to mid 1930's.
Two young girls (ddr-ajah-6-362)
img Two young girls (ddr-ajah-6-362)
Caption in Japanese on side of photo. Caption on page: Kiyoko "Florence" Date (left) and sister, Yuriko "Lily" of Alameda, CA. circa June 1925
Etsuko Yoshida and Yuriko Date in kimonos (ddr-ajah-6-390)
img Etsuko Yoshida and Yuriko Date in kimonos (ddr-ajah-6-390)
Caption below photo: Etsuko Yoshida (left) and Yuriko "Lily" Date pose in kimonos for Circus Day, Likely an event held at the Buddhist Temple. Alameda, CA, June 3, 1938
Three girls outside florist shop (ddr-ajah-6-378)
img Three girls outside florist shop (ddr-ajah-6-378)
Caption below photo: Date sisters Kiyoko "Florence", Yuriko "Lily" and Chiyoko "Mary" pose in front of their family business, Date Florist at 2304-2306 Encinal in Alameda, CA., circa mid 1930s.
Date family seated on bench by large tree (ddr-ajah-6-364)
img Date family seated on bench by large tree (ddr-ajah-6-364)
Caption below photo: L to R: Hajime Date and his family, Kiyoko, Yuriko "Lily", wife Uchi and baby Chiyoko "Mary" in Alameda, CA. Chiyoko was born on January 5, 1928. photo circa late 1928 to 1929
Girl holding watering can outside shop (ddr-ajah-6-393)
img Girl holding watering can outside shop (ddr-ajah-6-393)
Caption below photo: Yuriko "Lily" Date stands in front of their family's business, Date Flowers at 2304-2306 Encinal, in Alameda, CA, circa early 1940s. Inscription on photo front: Dearest Etchan, Love Yuri
Date family seated on ground at a park (ddr-ajah-6-363)
img Date family seated on ground at a park (ddr-ajah-6-363)
Caption below photo: Hajime Date and his wife, Uchi, pose with daughters Yuriko "Florence" (left, front), Kiyoko "Lily" and new addition Chiyoko "Mary". Location unknown, but the family was from Alameda, CA. Chiyoko was born on January 5, 1928, making this photo circa 1928-1929
Date family outside Date Shoe Repair shop (ddr-ajah-6-359)
img Date family outside Date Shoe Repair shop (ddr-ajah-6-359)
Caption below photo: Standing in front of the Date Shoe Repair shop at 2304-2306 Encinal in Alameda, CA. Kiyoko was born in November 18, 1919, Yuriko on June 24, 1922, making this photo circa mid 1920s.
Two women and two girls outside Date Shoe Repair shop (ddr-ajah-6-360)
img Two women and two girls outside Date Shoe Repair shop (ddr-ajah-6-360)
Caption below photo: Standing in front of the Date Shoe Repair shop at 2304-2306 Encinal in Alameda, CA. Kiyoko was born in November 18, 1919, Yuriko on June 24, 1922, making this photo circa mid 1920s.
Date family portrait (ddr-ajah-6-373)
img Date family portrait (ddr-ajah-6-373)
Caption below photo: Date Family of Alameda, CA, circa mid 1930s
Six young Nisei women posing on a lawn (ddr-ajah-6-385)
img Six young Nisei women posing on a lawn (ddr-ajah-6-385)
Caption below photo: Young Nisei women attending summer school pose in Alameda, CA, 1935
Ten girls in kimonos (ddr-ajah-3-355)
img Ten girls in kimonos (ddr-ajah-3-355)
Caption below photo: Young Nisei girls pose at the Buddhist Temples of Alameda, CA, for an unknown event. September 22, 1935
Ten girls in kimonos (ddr-ajah-6-386)
img Ten girls in kimonos (ddr-ajah-6-386)
Caption below photo: Young Nisei girls pose at the Buddhist Temples of Alameda, CA, for an unknown event. September 22, 1935