1594 items
1594 items

Statue of cowboy and horse, possibly Buffalo Bill Cody (ddr-densho-464-107)
Inscription on front: Cody, Wyoming

Group visiting Cody, Wyoming (ddr-densho-363-17)
Two unidentified men pose with Tomi Ichida, Kimi Kuwahara, and Hatsuye Shimizu in Cody, Wyoming.

Group visiting Cody, Wyoming (ddr-densho-363-18)
Tomiye, Ichida, Hatsuye Shimizu, and Kimi Kuwahara pose for a photograph in Cody, Wyoming.

Letter (with envelope) to Molly Wilson from Yuri Shimokochi (c. 1943) (ddr-janm-1-58)
Handwritten letter to Molly Wilson from Yuri Shimokochi (c. 1943) from the Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp in Cody, Wyoming.

Group poses in front of statue (ddr-densho-363-19)
Two unidentified men pose with Hatsuye Shimizu and Kimi Kuwahara in front of Buffalo Bill - The Scout statue in Cody, Wyoming.

Letter to Molly Wilson from Yuri Shimobochi (August 1, 1942) (ddr-janm-1-56)
Handwritten letter to Molly Wilson from Yuri Shimobochi (August 1, 1942). Letter is from the Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp in Cody, Wyoming.

Group poses in front of statue (ddr-densho-363-16)
Two unidentified men pose with Hatsuye Shimizu, Kimi Kuwahara, and Tomi Ichida in front of Buffalo Bill - The Scout statue in Cody, Wyoming.

Letter (with envelope) to Molly Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (December 16, 1942) (ddr-janm-1-64)
Handwritten letter to Molly Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (December 16, 1942). Envelope is postmarked February 20, 1943 from the Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp in Cody, Wyoming.

Letter (with envelope) to Molly Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (August 30, 1942) (ddr-janm-1-63)
Handwritten letter to Molly Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (August 30, 1942). Envelope is postmarked August 31, 1942 from the Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp in Cody, Wyoming.

Letter (with envelope) to Molly Wilson from Yuri Shimokochi (July 5, 1943) (ddr-janm-1-59)
Handwritten letter to Molly Wilson from Yuri Shimokochi (July 5, 1943). Envelope is postmarked July 6, 1943 from the Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp in Cody, Wyoming.

Letter (with envelope) to Molly Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (March 2, 1944) (ddr-janm-1-66)
Handwritten letter to Molly Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (March 2, 1944). Envelope is postmarked March 2, 1944 from the Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp in Cody, Wyoming.

Letter (with envelope) to Molly Wilson from Yuri Shimokochi (December 28, 1942) (ddr-janm-1-57)
Handwritten letter to Molly Wilson from Yuri Shimokochi (December 28, 1942). Envelope is postmarked December 29, 1942 from the Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp in Cody, Wyoming.

Letter (with envelope) to Mollie Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (August 31, 1943) (ddr-janm-1-17)
Handwritten letter to Mollie Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (August 31, 1943). Envelope is postmarked September 11, 1943 from the Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp in Cody, Wyoming.

Letter (with envelope) to Mollie Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (December 19, 1944) (ddr-janm-1-67)
Handwritten letter to Mollie Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (December 19, 1944). Envelope is postmarked December 19, 1944 from the Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp in Cody, Wyoming.

Information bulletin (Cody, Wyoming), no. 1 (August 20, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-874)
Form belonging to the Nagumo family outlining barrack assignment, mess hall location and meal times, and the location of the information office and medical center at Heart Mountain incarceration camp. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0876

Christmas card (with envelope) to Molly Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (December 14, 1943) (ddr-janm-1-65)
Christmas card to Molly Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (December 14, 1943). White card, brown scroll-type border with illustration in blue/white/red of a snowy village with people gathered around a Christmas tree. Envelope is postmarked December 14, 1943 from the Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp in Cody, Wyoming.

General information bulletin (Cody, Wyo.), series 1 (August 25, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-636)
General information bulletin, series 1, published at the Heart Mountain incarceration camp, Wyoming on August 25, 1942. This issue titled: Facts About Heart Mountain. Bulletin describing the Heart Mountain incarceration camp near Cody, Wyoming. Includes information about the region, environment, administration, and facilities. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: …

Heart Mountain incarceration camp (ddr-csujad-37-16)
Panorama of Heart Mountain incarceration camp in Cody, Wyoming. People pictured walking down a street in between camp barracks. Snow covered Heart Mountain is seen behind. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: mhf_016

Christmas card (with envelope) to Mollie Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (c. 1944) (ddr-janm-1-68)
Christmas card to Mollie Wilson from Miyeko Imamura (c. 1944). Black card, red border with illustration in red/green/blue of a woman in a Christmas dress holding a yellow handkerchief in one hand and a basket of holly in the other. "Yoo Hoo!" is on the front of card. Envelope is postmarked but does not give a …

Japanese American working on camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-460)
Original WRA caption: Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Heart Mountain Wyoming. In the press room of the Cody Enterprise, Bill Hosokawa, Editor of the Sentinel, Heart Mountain Relocation Center newspaper, sets type for the final makeup of the weekly edition. Bill, a former foreign correspondent and Washington U. graduate, sets type, pulls proofs, operates the linotype, locks …

Japanese American working on camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-461)
Original WRA caption: Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Heart Mountain, Wyoming. In the press room of the Cody Enterprise, Bill Hosokawa, Editor of the Sentinel, Heart Mountain Relocation newspaper, pulls a galley proof. Aside from being editor of the paper, Bill, on press night, sets type, prepares makeup, locks forms, and performs all the tasks pertinent to …

"At Heart Mountain, Block 27, 1944" (ddr-densho-242-5)
Caption on front: "At Heart Mountain Block 27 1944." Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Heart Mountain, Wyoming. Block 27. 1944. Front: Nobue, Gloria, Kumezo. Back: Mike and Ike."

Farewell dinner at Heart Mountain concentration camp (ddr-densho-242-22)
Caption on front: "Tom Sashikara Aug '44." Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Heart Mountain Aug. 1944. Caption reads: 'Farewell dinner for Tom Sashikara leaving for Cleveland, OH. Guy Robertson, the camp director and Mrs. Pryne were there.' K. Hatchimonji is seen on left with his hand on his chin."

Hand over garden (ddr-densho-242-20)
Caption on front: "My V garden in v.g. Area The hand of Mike Aug. 1944."

Man in a garden (ddr-densho-242-19)
For 16.1, 16.2, and 16.3. Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Heart Mountain Victory Gardens 1943-45. Organized by Kumezo Hatchimonji who supplied the Japanese vegetable seeds which were in storage after he left for camp. It was very successful because farmers were ablt to grow their favorite crops and supply them to the other internees. Kumezo is seen …