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3 items
Clipping regarding Brand Whitlock (ddr-njpa-1-2458)
doc Clipping regarding Brand Whitlock (ddr-njpa-1-2458)
Caption on front: "A famous wartime diplomat: Brand Whitlock, former American Ambassador to Belgium, with Mrs. Whitlock, in the garden of their hotel at Cannes, where Mr. Whitlock is now devoting his time to his literary career. (Times Wide World Photos, Paris Bureau.)"
Rita Hayworth driving in a car with her daughters (ddr-njpa-1-581)
img Rita Hayworth driving in a car with her daughters (ddr-njpa-1-581)
Caption on reverse: "NY 291..3/19/51..Exclusive. Credit INP Soundphoto..Cannes, France. Rita Hayworth, flame-haired actress who is the wife of Prince Ali Khan, wants to be thought of not as a princess but as a typical American wife wrapped up in her family and keeping house. In photo the actress and her family go for a ride. With …
Portrait of Nancy Clark Bertelsen Masseroni (ddr-njpa-1-967)
img Portrait of Nancy Clark Bertelsen Masseroni (ddr-njpa-1-967)
Caption on reverse: " INP SOUNDPHOTO..4/9/51..Boston...Reports from Cannes, France, today reveal that Boston and North Shore socialite Nancy Clark Bertelsen Masseroni is the constant companion of Prince Aly Khan. The Hub beauty, who has taken flings at singing, acting, modeling and flying was pictured above when singing at a Boston hotel. The Prince's wife, Rita Hayworth, …