4 items
4 items

Letter from Keizaburo Koyama to the Department of Justice asking to be reunited with his family. (ddr-one-5-175)
Photocopy of a declassified handwritten letter from Keizaburo Koyama to the Enemy Alien Control Unit of the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. Koyama asks that he be relocated to the camp where his family is currently being held. At the moment, Koyama is currently being held in Camp Livingston, Louisiana.

Information on Internee Behavior Desired by the Department of Justice (ddr-one-5-184)
Photocopy of a declassified chart from Leon T. Weaver, the Camp Commander at Camp Livingston, Louisiana on Keizaburo Koyama's behavior. The chart shows that he scored highly favorable on his general attitude and cooperativeness. He scored favorable for his physical and mental condition and his character around other internees. He was marked "Neutral or Unobserved" regarding …

Letter with instructions on applying for family reunification from the Alien Enemy Control Unit (ddr-one-5-182)
Photocopy of a declassified typed letter from Edward J. Ennis, Director of the Alien Enemy Control Unit, to Keizaburo Koyama. Edward writes that he is including information on the procedure to apply for a rehearing. This will determine if he qualifies to be reunited with his family. This copy is a duplicate to 2016.23.92, but with …

Envelope from Keizaburo Koyama to the Enemy Alien Control Unit in Washington, D.C. (ddr-one-5-178)
Photocopy of the front of an envelope from Keizaburo Koyama at Camp Livingston, Louisiana to the Enemy Alien Control United in Washington, D.C. The envelope is stamped "Censored/War Department/S.O.S.-P.M.G.O./By R.L.S. 12-14-42"