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Chic Yamaguchi, former farm worker from Kingsburg, California (ddr-csujad-14-2)
img Chic Yamaguchi, former farm worker from Kingsburg, California (ddr-csujad-14-2)
Chic Yamaguchi, former farm worker from Kingsburg, California, turning a section from a model ship on lathe in model ship factory at Gila River incarceration camp. April 27, 1943. Photo by Francis Stewart. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: HMLSC_TOMO_002
[California State University, Pomona card featuring Michi Weglyn] (ddr-csujad-24-17)
doc [California State University, Pomona card featuring Michi Weglyn] (ddr-csujad-24-17)
A California State University, Pomona card with a photograph featuring Michi Weglyn. Mailed from Michi Weglyn to Frank Chin. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: chi_01_017
Twenty-first California yearly meeting of Friends, 1915 (ddr-csujad-57-38)
img Twenty-first California yearly meeting of Friends, 1915 (ddr-csujad-57-38)
Group portrait of men, women, and children before a two-story house. [Handwritten note on photo] Twenty First California Yearly Meeting of Friends, Whittier, 1915. Title from note. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FFC-0037
Eighteenth California yearly meeting of Friends, Whittier 1912 (ddr-csujad-57-36)
img Eighteenth California yearly meeting of Friends, Whittier 1912 (ddr-csujad-57-36)
Group portrait of California Yearly Meeting of Friends, Whittier, California. ''Eighteenth California Yearly Meeting of Friends Whittier 1912. E.L. Meyer Photo, Ontario, Cal.'' Title from caption. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FFC-0035
California yearly meeting of Friends 1894, Whittier College (ddr-csujad-57-41)
img California yearly meeting of Friends 1894, Whittier College (ddr-csujad-57-41)
Young men and women are seated on a lawn with trees behind them. They are seated in the shape of two hearts missing their points, or a large and small numeral three. [Handwritten on verso] C. E. Group taken at the first Y. M. held at Whittier 1894, W College Campus. L.F.H. See this object in …
[Photograph of a building in Lone Pine, California] (ddr-csujad-29-191)
img [Photograph of a building in Lone Pine, California] (ddr-csujad-29-191)
Photograph of a building in Lone Pine, California. Photograph inscription: "Camp + Comm" and "Norvil O. Aigner Interview 1396." 1396 refers to Oral History 1396 with Aigner at COPH. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: P133
Former site of Tule Lake concentration camp, California (ddr-densho-35-17)
img Former site of Tule Lake concentration camp, California (ddr-densho-35-17)
Japanese Americans at the Tule Lake concentration camp called this natural formation "Abalone Hill" because of its shape. Abalone Hill and Castle Rock are two major formations near the camp area.
Quarterly Report of Community Activities Section Manzanar, California (ddr-densho-379-332)
doc Quarterly Report of Community Activities Section Manzanar, California (ddr-densho-379-332)
A. G. Nielsen, of the Community Activities Section of Manzanar Concentration Camp, outlines description of the various departments including Commercial and Useful Arts, Handicrafts, Sewing, Music, Sports, Entertainment, and Social Activities, and Gardening
Bright Spots of the Chysanthemum History of California (ddr-densho-329-842)
doc Bright Spots of the Chysanthemum History of California (ddr-densho-329-842)
Four-page pamphlet describing the history of chrysanthemum cultivation in California. Explains that chrysanthemums have a long tradition in Japan, including the popular Kiku Matsuri chrysanthemum festival in October and their use in the Imperial Seal of Japan, but are generally not commercialized. Spans history of commercial cultivation methods in early 20th century America and innovations by …
County of Sacramento State of California marriage license (ddr-csujad-55-2460)
doc County of Sacramento State of California marriage license (ddr-csujad-55-2460)
County of Sacramento marriage license for George Asato Nakano to Mildred Yayeko Uyemura. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2566
Nancy Kyoko Oda Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-463-5)
vh Nancy Kyoko Oda Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-463-5)
Returning to California after the war where father taught judo