10 items
10 items
Nisei soldiers on the move (ddr-densho-114-40)
Original caption: Bruyeres, France. File of Japanese-American Infantrymen moves past wooded area. 24 Oct 1944.
442nd Regimental Combat Team soldier in action (ddr-densho-114-26)
Original caption: Japanese-American infantrymen move into action in a hilly sector of France. 10/24/44. Bruyeres.
The Northwest Times Vol. 1 No. 69 (September 23, 1947) (ddr-densho-229-56)
"France and U.S. Will Honor Nisei GI War Dead in Special Ceremony in Bruyeres on October 30" (p. 1), "Visit to Japan Not O.K. Yet, JACL Learns" (p. 1),"Final Briefs Completed for Alien Land Law Case" (p. 4).
Nisei soldiers standing at attention (ddr-densho-114-163)
Original caption: Two Color guards and color bearers of the Japanese-American 442nd Combat Team, stand at attention while their citations are read. They are standing on ground, in the Bruyeres Area, France, where many of their comrades fell. 12 November 1944.
A mother receiving posthumous award (ddr-densho-114-147)
Original caption: Honolulu, T.H. Mrs. Risaku Kanaya is presented the Silver Star Medal posthumously awarded her son, Pvt. Walter E. Kanaya, for gallantry in action near Bruyeres, France, 17 October 1944, with the 2nd Bn., 442nd Infantry, as Mr. Kanaya stands with her. Chaplain (Colonel) Corwin H. Olds, CPBC, makes the presentation at 1521 Young St., …
A mother receiving posthumous medal (ddr-densho-114-128)
Original caption: Honolulu, T.H. Mrs. Shizuko Kina receives the Silver Star Medal posthumously awarded her brother, Pfc. Tomaki Shimabukuro, during a ceremony at 1965 South King Street, Honolulu, T.H. The presentation, by Chaplain Corwin H. Olds, CPBC, is made for gallantry in action with the 2nd Bn., 442nd Reg. Combat Team, near Bruyeres, France, on October …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 25 No. 11 (September 20, 1947) (ddr-pc-19-38)
Selected article titles: "U.S., France to Honor 442nd Combat Team. National JACL Will Present Plaque to Bruyeres Recalling Rescue of 'Lost Battalion'" (p. 1), "Supreme Court Test Looms in Constitutional Validity of California Alien Land Law" (p. 1), "Tax Certificates No Longer Required of Japanese Aliens For Hawaii, Mainland Travel" (p. 2), "JACL-ADC May Participate In …
Battle of Bruyeres, 6 Oct to 26 Oct. 1944, September 1944 (ddr-csujad-1-200)
A report of O'Conner's task force. It describes the military operation during the battle of Bruyeres in France chronologically from September 1 to October 26, 1944. Includes names, rank, unit and hometown of the Americans of Japanese ancestry who were killed in action. This report was received from Jim Murata, Military Intelligence Service on March 27, …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 31 No. 19 (November 11, 1950) (ddr-pc-22-45)
Selected article titles: "Rep. Walter Will Sponsor New Naturalization Bill. Expect Proposal to Provide No Denial of Citizenship on Basis of Race, Ancestry" (p. 1), "Two Japanese Americans Win Seats in Territorial Senate; Nine Win Elections for House" (p. 1), "Movies More Complicated Than Battle, Say 442nd Veterans" (p. 1), "Citizens of Bruyeres Again Pay Tribute …
Letter from Paul L. Offenhiser to Mrs. Hana Ohama, March 30, 1945 (ddr-csujad-55-80)
Handwritten correspondence from Paul L. Offenhiser to Mrs. Hana Ohama regarding the recent death of her son, Abraham Ohama, who was killed in action on October 20, 1944 near Bruyeres, France while serving as a Technical Sergeant with Company F, 2d Battalion, 442d Regimental Combat Team, attached to the 36th Infantry Division. Offenhiser expresses sympathy for …