10 items
10 items

Social Case Work in a World at War (ddr-densho-356-930)
Description and outline of staff development program for case workers at Granada.

Memo regarding family reunification (ddr-densho-356-978)
Memo from Sara A. Brown to Public Welfare Staff regarding family unification. The memo provides some facts about conditions of transferring, retainment of citizenship, repatriation, leave, schooling, effects on children and upcoming visit from a Crystal City representative.

Card and note to Yuri Tsukada from Sara Brown (ddr-densho-356-560)
Card and handwritten note to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from Sara Brown. Sara writes to congratulate the couple on their marriage. Item tied together with all objects between ddr-densho-356-551 and ddr-densho-356-577.

Note to Yuri Domoto from Sara Brown (ddr-densho-356-329)
Note to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from Sara Brown wishing her a good experience. Item tied together with all objects between ddr-densho-356-321 and ddr-densho-356-413.

Letters requesting assistance from Denver WRA (ddr-densho-356-882)
Letter from Sara A. Brown, Associate Counselor to Granada Project Director James G. Lindley asking he send the attached letter to the Denver WRA office to ask their assistance in future cases where an individual is hospitalized in Denver and then released and returned to Amache. The attached letter is included and addressed from James G. …

Results of Discussion Regarding Mutual Problems of Medical Social Worker and Public Welfare Section (ddr-densho-356-928)
An outline of issues discussed at a meeting between Medical Social Workers, Public Health Nurses, and Public Welfare. Topics covered proper protocol to transfer various kinds of cases between departments.

Case Reports (ddr-densho-356-870)
List of active and closed cases from May 22, 1943. Paper clipped together with ddr-densho-356-870 through 872. Document has been redacted to protect individual's personal health information.

Family Counseling Unit Organizational chart and staff lists (ddr-densho-356-950)
Family Counseling Unit Organizational chart and staff lists detailing which individuals work in which departments and are assigned with which other individuals