122 items
122 items

Shigeko Sese Uno Segment 21 (ddr-densho-1000-98-21)
Questioned by the FBI while living and speaking about the incarceration in Boston, Massachusetts

Photo album of Gentaro Takahashi and others (ddr-densho-355-294)
Photos of locations around country including Yellowstone National Park, Detroit Michigan, Niagara Falls, Concord, Provincetown, Boston, Cambridge Massachusetts.

Mary Mon Toy backstage with Robert Ryan and others (ddr-densho-367-78)
Mary Mon Toy is backstage at the premier of the movie "Berlin Express." Mary was one of the star live performers before the movie. She performed in front of an audiencec of 4,000 people in Boston, Massachusetts.

Mary Mon Toy backstage with Robert Ryan (ddr-densho-367-79)
Mary Mon Toy is backstage at the premier of the movie "Berlin Express." Mary was one of the star live performers before the movie. She performed in front of an audiencec of 4,000 people in Boston, Massachusetts.

Placemat from Steuben restaurant (ddr-csujad-49-98)
Placemat from Steuben restaurant in Boston, Massachusetts. An item from: pages 70-71 of the Sue Kato scrapbook (gfb_skc_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: 2019_002_001_047_10

Boston (ddr-csujad-49-63)
Newspaper clipping about the city of Boston, Massachusetts. An item from: pages 48-49 of the Sue Kato scrapbook (gfb_skc_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: 2019_002_001_035_02

Narrator Elliot Yoshinobu Horikoshi
Nisei male. Born December 26, 1938, in Salem, Oregon. Family moved frequently before the war due to father's profession as a Methodist minister. During World War II, removed to Portland Assembly Center, Oregon, and the Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming. After leaving camp, family moved to Boston, Massachusetts, where father could attend graduate seminary school. Eventually …

Richard Kosaki Interview Segment 9 (ddr-janm-13-1-9)
A trip to Boston, Massachusetts for a national council of student body presidents; first trip out of the Hawaiian Islands
This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and …

Elliot Yoshinobu Horikoshi Interview (ddr-densho-1000-503)
Nisei male. Born December 26, 1938, in Salem, Oregon. Family moved frequently before the war due to father's profession as a Methodist minister. During World War II, removed to Portland Assembly Center, Oregon, and the Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming. After leaving camp, family moved to Boston, Massachusetts, where father could attend graduate seminary school. Eventually …

Invoice from Keystone Manufacturing Company (ddr-densho-319-515)
Invoice for the purchase of a screen made by T.K. Pharmacy from Keystone Manufacturing Company.

Certificate from City of Boston Evening High Schools (ddr-densho-355-14)
Certifying that Gentaro Takahashi passed the examination in English Composition II.

Program from Boston University Dinner (ddr-densho-355-16)
Program and menu from Boston University College of Business Administration Third Annual Dinner, including signatures of Gentaro Takahashi and seven others.

Certificate from City of Boston Evening High Schools (ddr-densho-355-68)
Certifying that Gentaro Takahashi passed the examination in Literature III.

Newspaper Clipping (ddr-densho-355-71)
Boston University Business Students Honored, including Gentaro Takahashi

Admission ticket for Lecture (ddr-densho-355-156)
Delta Mu Delta Public Lecture by Dean of College of Business Administration at Boston University.