159 items
159 items

White River Fujinkai (ddr-densho-25-93)
Issei women often formed women's groups, or Fujinkai, which gave them opportunities to participate in community affairs.

Farewell party for a Buddhist Reverend (ddr-densho-25-107)
This farewell party for Reverend Takemura took place in the White River Buddhist Church.

Myer, Director of W.R.A., Clashes With Anti-Jap Group (October 12, 1944) (ddr-densho-56-1072)
The Seattle Daily Times, October 12, 1944, p. 2

Anti-Jap League's Membership Grows (October 11, 1944) (ddr-densho-56-1071)
The Seattle Daily Times, October 11, 1944, p. 12

Auburn baseball team (ddr-densho-18-55)
Front (left to right): Susie Uyeda, Yoshi Natsuhara, George Terada, Ray Kiyohara, Morrie Yamaguchi, and Mike Tokumatsu. Back: Jack Hori, Nobu Nakatani, George Hirai, Mr. Tsurui, Matsu Sakagami, Toshi Yamanaka, Hiato Kojo, Mr. Arai, and Mr. Hori.