120 items
Clipping regarding Carl Williams (ddr-njpa-1-2364)
Caption on front: "Carl Williams. Editor of the Oklahoma Farmer Stockman. Associated Press."
Nisei men gathered in front of barracks at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-52-7)
A group of men in front of barracks at Manzanar. The caption printed in the Long Beach Independent reads, "Japanese Roundup: This was the scene 18 years ago as many Nisei were herded into an alien reception center at Manzanar. Many were American Citizens and others were aliens. The first to arrive helped prepare the camp …
Archie Miyatake in front of a bust of his father, Toyo, who documented life at Manzanar through photographs (ddr-csujad-52-43)
Caption below image reads, "TIME TO REMEMBER--Archie Miyatake sits in his Los Angeles photographer's studio Wednesday and ponders his family's ordeal at the Manzanar relocation camp for Japanese-Americans during WWII. In background is a bust of his father, Toyo, whose hanuting and illicit photos of Manzanar camp life help keep alive the nation's shame for a …
Hana Tada leading a group of Japanese Americans in singing "God Bless America" at a service in 1984 (ddr-csujad-52-36)
Caption above image reads, "GOD BLESS AMERICA--Hana Tada, 93, (center) leads group of Japanese-Americans in singing 'God Bless America' at a service here 2/19 commemorating the internment of them & 3,600 other Japanese-Americans in camps here during WWII. Tada & her group do not speak English, saying they were too busy making livings as farmers to …
General view of Tule Lake incarceration camp (ddr-csujad-52-29)
Caption pasted on reverse of image (now missing) reads, "GENERAL VIEW OF RELOCATION CENTER, This is a general view of the Tulelake, Calif., Japanese relocation center located near the California-Oregon border and 40 miles southeast of Klamath Falls, Ore. The land is an old lake bottom developed by the U.S. reclamation service. About 7,000 acres are …
Two girls sitting on beds in the barracks at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-52-10)
Two girls sit on beds in the barracks at Manzanar, in front of shelves containing their personal belongings. A caption, printed in the Feb. 25, 1983, edition of the Long Beach Independent reads, "1942 photo showed Japanese-Americans apparently happily interned at Manzanar camp. The accompanying caption said a picture of Gen. Douglas MacArthur hung in a …
New arrivals at Manzanar fill mattresses with straw (ddr-csujad-52-27)
Caption pasted on reverse of image reads, "Japanese evacuees who arrived at the alien reception center at Manzanar, Calif., Mar. 24, 1942, fill mattresses with straw as they prepared to spend their first night in their new homes. The emigres were among the first in the greatest forced migration in the nation's history." See this object …
Laying water line at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-52-24)
Caption from reverse of image reads, "LAYING WATER LINE FOR JAPANESE BOOM TOWN, A trench digger churned its way across the floor of Owens Valley March 19 to speed laying of a water supply line for the boom town for evacuated Japanese being erected at Manzanar under the direction of Lt. Gen. John L. Dewitt of …
Karl Akiya shows a camp poster from Topaz incarceration camp calling for discussion of free speech (ddr-csujad-52-33)
Caption below image reads, "CONCERNED JAPANESE UNITE--Karl Akiya, a former Japanese American inmate of the Topaz, Utah internment camp, shows a camp poster calling for public discussions of free speech during a day of remembrance program at the Japanese Christian Church Saturday in New York. Approximately 300 former inmates of the camp attended the gathering which …
Two children running between the barracks at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-52-18)
Two children appear to be running in an otherwise empty area at Manzanar. One can see barracks on either side of the image and a building in the center of the photo, behind a flagpole with the United States flag. Caption above the image reads, "MANZANAR, Clif. Nov. 11 -- RELOCATION CENTER -- This California Historical …
Al and Mary Tsukamoto with copy of executive order 9066 (ddr-csujad-52-30)
Caption under image reads, "TOO TIMID TO RAISE OUR VOICES--Sitting in their Florin, Calif., home last week, Al and Mary Tsukamoto display a copy of the 1942 order that forced their internment in Jerome, Ark., for 1 1/2 years. Among the 120,000 Japanese residents of the United States interned in 10 camps, the Tsukamotos say they …
Three girls in their quarters at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-52-9)
Three young women in barracks at Manzanar. One sits at a desk, writing in a notebook. The other two look on, one with her hands on the back of the woman at the desk, the other bends at the waist to wash her hands in a white bowl. Caption on back of photograph reads, "Japanese Girls …
George Kondo near a display of photographs taken at incarceration camps during World War II (ddr-csujad-52-14)
A man is positioned next to a display board showing photographs and text. The caption above photograph reads, "SAN FRANCISCO, April 21--SEEKING INTERNMENT COMPENSATION-- George Kondo looks over a display of Japanese internment photographs taken during World Warr II, at the Japanese-American Citizen League in San Francisco Monday. Like 120,000 others, Kondo was interned by presidential …
Two young women standing in front of barracks (ddr-csujad-52-22)
Two young women standing in front of barracks at Minidoka incarceration camp in Hunt, Idaho. Caption next to image reads, "OUTSIDE--Sharon Aburano, 16, left, stands outside the barrack where she was confined in a Japanese American interment camp in Hunt, Idaho during World War II. The upper part of the barrack behind her is covered with …
Barracks at Manzanar with Mt. Whitney in the background (ddr-csujad-52-35)
Caption next to image reads, "NEW EVIDENCE--Homes used for the internment of alien and American Japanese during World War II are situated near Mt. Whitney, Calif., in this 1942 file photo. A key military report that led to the internment of nearly 120,000 Japanese Americans during the war was based upon 'intentional falsehoods,' say attorneys planning …
Two men in front of a residential barracks at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-52-3)
Two men in front of a building at Manzanar. One man is standing with a broom in his hand, the other is sitting on a rock. The men appear to be having a conversation. There is a fence made of sticks and a wooden arbor in front of the building. A partially obstructed sign on the …
Two Japanese-American men during interviews leading up to receiving redress checks (ddr-csujad-52-16)
Two Japanese-American men wearing suits. The caption next to the image reads, "SEATTLE, Sept. 30--WILL RECEIVE CHECKS--Frank Yatsu, 106, right, talks about his imprisonment by the U.S. government during World War II in an internment camp with other Japanese-Americans. Listening to Yatsu during an interview at Seattle Keiro, a Japanese community nursing home, is Harry Nakagawa, …
Food service at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-52-28)
Caption pasted on reverse of image reads, "FIRST MEAL IN NEW ALIEN CAMP, Japanese evacuated from their Los Angeles homes line up to receive their first meal after their arrival Mar. 24, 1942, in the alien reception center at Manzanar." See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: hslb_npc_0032
Tatsumi Miyajima checks the belongings tied to the back of an automobile (ddr-csujad-52-44)
A man, wearing a hat and long trench coat, leans on the items tied to the back of an automobile with thick string. The caption printed along with the image in the Press-Telegram reads, "Tatsumi Miyajima makes last-minute check on his belonging before leaving for internment camp." See this object in the California State Universities Japanese …
Planting potatoes at Tule Lake (ddr-csujad-52-25)
Caption from reverse of image reads, "POTATO PLANTING TIME AT RELOCATION CENTER, Using light tractors Japanese residents of the relocation center at Tulelake, Calif., begin planting potatoes in several hundred acres of fertile soil reclaimed old Tule Lake (correct for name of lake). The residents are planting 835 acres in vegetables." See this object in the …
Donald and Alice Nakahata with copies of executive order 9066 (ddr-csujad-52-31)
Caption above image reads, "REMEMBERING THE JAPANESE-AMERICAN INTERNMENT--Donald and Alice Nakahata look over two posters of Executive Order 9066 that hang in their Mill Valley, Calif., home as a reminder to their three college-age sons that the freedoms in the U.S. Constitution easily can be taken away. The Nakahatas have not forgotten the lesson they learned …
Gordon Hirabayashi talks press before the first day of trial against the U.S. government (ddr-csujad-52-39)
Caption under image reads, "HEADING FOR COURT--Gordon Hirabayashi talks to reporters Monday on his way to the Federal Courthouse in Seattle for the first day of a trial in which he seeks to prove the U.S. government suppressed, destroyed and altered evidence attesting to the loyalty of Japanese-Americans in order to justify their wartime internment." See …
Tanforan Assembly Center barracks (ddr-csujad-52-20)
Caption above image reads, "TANFORAN INTERNMENT CAMP--Looking from the grandstand of the old Tanforan Race Track, some 170 barracks can be seen that housed Japanese-Americans during World War II. The Tanforan internment camp was located near present-day San Bruno. A government report has been released recently and it blames the internment on prejudice and hysteria." See …
Students eat lunch in front of a monument at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-52-12)
Six people sit on the ground eating from white bags in front of a monument. Snow covered mountains can be seen in the distance. The caption under the photo reads, "Manzanar, Ca.--(Slugged Manzanar)--Students from the University of California Riverside, all members of 'The Historian as Detective' class, eat lunch in front of a monument to the …
First arrivals at Manzanar (ddr-csujad-52-19)
A large group of people stand outside of barracks. The caption next to the image reads, "SPENDING THE WAR BEHIND BARBED WIRE--In this 1942 file photo, first arrivals at the Japanese evacuee community in Manzanar, California, are assigned to quarters in the barracks. 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry were" (caption cut off). See this object in …