9 items
9 items

"Issei in quasi-feudal Japanese costumes" (ddr-densho-259-453)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "A group of Hood River Issei in quasi-feudal Japanese costumes. I think that this picture was taken at our Mosier farm because of the hills in the background I suspect that this was another undokai [field day/sports day]."

Gathering of Issei men (ddr-densho-259-445)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "A gathering of a large group of Issei men, sitting and standing in a grassy meadow. There is an American flag prominently displayed and there are unidentifiable steamers on tall poles The tall bluff in the left background reminds me of what the area immediately to the west of Koberg's Beach used …

Loving cup award being presented (ddr-densho-259-342)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "[Masuo Yasui] received a loving cup [the 'Silver Loving Cup' award] presented by the Hood River Japanese community in appreciation for services rendered."

Tenchosetsu celebration (ddr-densho-259-444)
Gathering of Issei for the celebration of Tenchosetsu, a day to pray for the long life of the emperor and a celebration of Emperor Taisho's birthday.

Japanese American and white men and boys at St. Marks church (ddr-densho-259-197)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "St. Marks Church in Hood River, showing [Masuo Yasui], several Issei men, a Caucasian minister, and remarkably, a Japanese minister not Isaac Inouye. St. Marks was either a Catholic or Episcopalian church--or maybe it was a Lutheran church. In any event, the two clerics are wearing their collars backwards, as Catholic and …

Japanese American and white men and boys at St. Marks church (ddr-densho-259-110)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "St. Marks Church in Hood River, showing [Masuo Yasui], several Issei men, a Caucasian minister, and remarkably, a Japanese minister not Isaac Inouye. St. Marks was either a Catholic or Episcopalian church--or maybe it was a Lutheran church. In any event, the two clerics are wearing their collars backwards, as Catholic and …

Japanese American and white men and boys at St. Marks church (ddr-densho-259-237)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "St. Marks Church in Hood River, showing [Masuo Yasui], several Issei men, a Caucasian minister, and remarkably, a Japanese minister not Isaac Inouye. St. Marks was either a Catholic or Episcopalian church--or maybe it was a Lutheran church. In any event, the two clerics are wearing their collars backwards, as Catholic and …

Japanese American and white men and boys at St. Marks church (ddr-densho-259-262)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "St. Marks Church in Hood River, showing [Masuo Yasui], several Issei men, a Caucasian minister, and remarkably, a Japanese minister not Isaac Inouye. St. Marks was either a Catholic or Episcopalian church--or maybe it was a Lutheran church. In any event, the two clerics are wearing their collars backwards, as Catholic and …

Issei men around a table (ddr-densho-259-341)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of 33 Issei men in business suits in a small room gathered around a white cloth-covered long table."