3 items
3 items
Lia Arakawa and two children (ddr-njpa-5-53)
Caption on reverse: "Mrs. Lia Arakawa, 10-21-50. Italian war bride."
Envelope of Lia Arakawa photographs (ddr-njpa-5-52)
Caption on front: "Widow of Pfc. Jack C. Arakawa, first Korea war dead (later reported alive as rescued P.O.W. Honolulu, T.H1, 7-31-50."
Funeral service for Pfc. Jack Arakawa (ddr-njpa-5-54)
Caption on reverse: "Italian war brides attend GI's funeral: Memorial services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the McCully Higashi Hongwanji for Pfc. Jack C. Arakawa, 29, a veteran of the 442nd combat team, who was killed in action near Taejon, Korea, on July 16. Pictured above is the widow, Mrs. Lia Arakawa (second from …