10 items
10 items
Sakai (Arai) and Kimiko Yoshitomi Family portrait (ddr-densho-430-323)
Written on back: Tabo Tsuboi / Robb / Saki / Kimi / Jun / Yuji Masumiya / Riki / Peggy / Erin / Kevan / Meiko / Glen
Sally and David (ddr-densho-430-8)
Photograph of a young woman holding a baby. Written on the back is "Sally & David."
Copy of two images with caption (ddr-densho-430-348)
Caption: Katy and David. Photo 1: Girl holding baby. Photo 2: Four children
Copy of four images with caption (ddr-densho-430-349)
Caption: David & Sally, David. Photo 1: girl holding baby. Photos 2 and 3: young boy. Photo 4: girl holding baby
Personnel Security questionnaire (ddr-densho-430-75)
Filled out Personnel Security Questionnaire for Kichio Allen Arai.
Taiyo-Nippons Meet Thursday in Second Grid Game of Season (November 27, 1928) (ddr-densho-56-411)
The Seattle Daily Times, November 27, 1928, p. 21
Arai Family Tree (ddr-densho-430-120)
Family tree of the descendants of Shimakichi Arai and Yone Yuki (Yanabe) Arai.
Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-175)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1969 and 1972.