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68 items
Leave clearances (ddr-densho-430-92)
doc Leave clearances (ddr-densho-430-92)
Approval of indefinite leave for resettlement for Kichio Allen Arai and Nobu Arai.
Application for  federal employment (ddr-densho-430-87)
doc Application for federal employment (ddr-densho-430-87)
Completed application by Kichio Allen Arai applying for federal employment.
Two photos attached, beach picnic (ddr-densho-430-303)
img Two photos attached, beach picnic (ddr-densho-430-303)
Top photo: 4 kids sitting on log. Bottom photo: group sitting under tent. Attached sticky note: Top - Tina, Tommy, Jerry Susan. Bottom - Kenji, Nobu, Hana, Hisa, Anky, Sumi
Two photos attached.  Group at picnic on beach (ddr-densho-430-299)
img Two photos attached. Group at picnic on beach (ddr-densho-430-299)
with sticky note: Picnic Miyasaki's visit / Nobu Hisa Sumi Kaz Anky
Life insurance (ddr-densho-430-42)
doc Life insurance (ddr-densho-430-42)
Life insurance contracts for David Yukio Arai and Nobu Arai.
Birth Certificate Request (ddr-densho-430-50)
doc Birth Certificate Request (ddr-densho-430-50)
Kichio Allen Arai requesting a copy of his birth certificate from the Social Security Administration.
Harvard Handbook for students (ddr-densho-430-149)
doc Harvard Handbook for students (ddr-densho-430-149)
A.K. Arai's calendar, planner and handbook including receipts for tuition, membership cards
House loan & purchase doc (ddr-densho-430-126)
doc House loan & purchase doc (ddr-densho-430-126)
Mortgage documents related to Kichio Allen Arai and Nobu (Kawaguchi) Arai's post-war home. The first set of documents relate to Kichio's 1947 mortgage for the house. And the second set related to their son Donald's purchase of the house in 1968.
A Community Building (ddr-densho-430-148)
doc A Community Building (ddr-densho-430-148)
Seven drafts "A Community Building" by Kichio Allen Arai, which details plans for a Nisei community hall in Seattle. The paper is part of Arai's school work at Harvard University.
Moving receipts (ddr-densho-430-81)
doc Moving receipts (ddr-densho-430-81)
Collection of moving and storage receipts for items keep in storage during WWII.
Seattle Betsuin Temple history booklet/program (ddr-densho-430-112)
doc Seattle Betsuin Temple history booklet/program (ddr-densho-430-112)
Booklet in Japanese about history of the Betsuin Temple and Dedication ceremony. Includes brief history in English
Blue notebook (ddr-densho-430-110)
doc Blue notebook (ddr-densho-430-110)
Kichio Allen Arai's dairy or timeline for the construction of the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple from November 12, 1940 - March 15, 1941.
Notes on Betsuin building (ddr-densho-430-129)
doc Notes on Betsuin building (ddr-densho-430-129)
Handwritten notes regarding building specifications of the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple's (formerly the Seattle Buddhist Church) new building.
Small brown notebook (ddr-densho-430-107)
doc Small brown notebook (ddr-densho-430-107)
Kichio Allen Arai's personal notes regarding planning the construction of the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple.
Blue print (ddr-densho-430-118)
doc Blue print (ddr-densho-430-118)
Blueprint for the Projection booth at the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple building. Written on the back is "Mr. Travis Ke9400" in red pencil.
Black notebook/diary (ddr-densho-430-111)
doc Black notebook/diary (ddr-densho-430-111)
Notes on construction of Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple from March 24-September 5, 1941. Including costs and scheduling for work, business cards.
Insignia (ddr-densho-430-117)
doc Insignia (ddr-densho-430-117)
Sketch of a Wisteria Crest on the left and a sketch of blooming flower on the right.
Letters and form regarding items in storage (ddr-densho-430-83)
doc Letters and form regarding items in storage (ddr-densho-430-83)
Letter to Kichio Allen Arai from Harold S. Fistere informing Arai that his property held in storage by the WRA must be removed by March 15 or it will be sold. Arai's draft reply to letter, and a completed WRA-155 form listing the property to transferred are included in the envelope. Objects ddr-densho-430-81 and ddr-densho-430-82 related.