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881 items
Amache, Colorado (ddr-csujad-55-354)
doc Amache, Colorado (ddr-csujad-55-354)
Booklet describing the history of the "Amache Relocation Center," the surrounding region, incarcerees, community government, administration, leisure activities, facilities, medical services, schools, employment, housing, food, and farming. Includes maps and illustrations. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0356
High school dance orchestra (ddr-densho-37-505)
img High school dance orchestra (ddr-densho-37-505)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. The High School dance orchestra at the Granada Relocation Center at Amache, Colorado.
Summer Carnival Parade (ddr-densho-37-469)
img Summer Carnival Parade (ddr-densho-37-469)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. Amache Summer Carnival Parade.
Barracks in the snow at Amache (ddr-ajah-6-434)
img Barracks in the snow at Amache (ddr-ajah-6-434)
Caption below photo: Amache, Colorado incarceration camp. 1944
Man standing outside barracks (ddr-ajah-6-433)
img Man standing outside barracks (ddr-ajah-6-433)
Caption below photo: Frank Masutani, Amache, Colorado 1944-1945
Boy Scout Headquarters (ddr-densho-37-773)
img Boy Scout Headquarters (ddr-densho-37-773)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. "Amache District Headquarters, Boy Scouts of America, Granada Relocation Center."
Holiday card with photo of camp (ddr-densho-493-52)
doc Holiday card with photo of camp (ddr-densho-493-52)
Card signed: [Tok]. Caption on page below card: Amache Colorado 1944
img Yasuyo "Frances" Ikeda (ddr-ajah-6-438)
Caption below photo: Yasuyo "Frances" Ikeda of Alameda, CA. Amache, Colorado, May 1945
Water tower at Amache (ddr-ajah-6-430)
img Water tower at Amache (ddr-ajah-6-430)
Caption below photo: Water tower at Amache, Colorado, September 1943 to June 1945