29 items
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Alice Ono Interview (ddr-densho-400-19)
Alice Ono was born on January 1, 1912, in Los Angeles, California. She was one of five children of Yujiro and Yone Fukuyama. Her father was a produce broker and her mother was a housewife. During World War II, she and her family were sent to the Amache concentration camp, Colorado. After the war she and …

Four women pose outside of the house (ddr-densho-359-170)
Left to right, Alice Kawamoto, Alice Tanemura, unidentified women, Lucy Ono

Four women pose outside of the house (ddr-densho-359-172)
Alice Tanemura, second from left; Lucy Ono on far right

Women in front of store (ddr-densho-359-363)
Alice Kawamoto poses with Lucy Ono in front a of store.

Women in front of store (ddr-densho-359-362)
Alice Tanemura poses with Lucy Ono in front of a store.

Group of women on balcony (ddr-densho-359-174)
Lucy Ono is third from left; Alice Tanemura is on far right

Group of women on balcony (ddr-densho-359-173)
Lucy Ono is third from left; Alice Tanemura is on far right

Portrait of a woman (ddr-densho-359-1421)
The photograph is signed " To Alice, dear Love Lucy 3/4/42". Lucy Ono

Five women in front of doors (ddr-densho-359-200)
Lucy Ono on far left; Alice Tanemura is second from right; Sei Kanogawa is on far right

Leland school group photograph (ddr-densho-359-221)
Captioned "Leland School 1931".Top row, L to R: Margaret Ramsey, Viola Cunningham, Alice Kawamoto, Ella Taylor, Mrs. Williams, Roger Ramsey, Donald Nurnberg, Bill Stout; 2nd row from top: JIm Meeker, Joe Ono, Allan [last name unknown], James Semrau, Eugene Rasor; partial row between 2nd and 3rd rows: Albert Semrau, Harry Tanemura, Russell Kunz, Sydney Jensen, James …

Japanese American women (ddr-densho-359-405)
Japanese American women, Yaeko Yamashita on far left, Lucy Ono is third from left; Alice Kawamoto is on far right

Leland school group photograph (ddr-densho-359-208)
Caption written below photograph in album "Leland School 4th grade 1927". Front left back, L to R: George Chapman, Ernest Kunz, John Dyke, Dorothy Ann Kunz, Viola Cunningham. 2nd row from top: Daniel Taylor, Ben Kunz, Olive Cousins, Betty Dyke, 2 unidentified girls; 3rd row from L to R: 3 unidentified boys, Howard Matthews, Kenneth Meeker, …

Four women and girl standing on porch (ddr-ajah-6-184)
Caption below photo: Goro Sato marries Kimiko Nakayama in Alameda, CA. Pictured are members of the wedding party. Chiyo is Kimiko's sister (Kimiko is not in this image) November 22, 1936

High school portrait (ddr-densho-359-4)
Students pose for high school group photograph. Alice Kawamoto is in the 3rd row 7th from right, Elva Shinozaki is in the same row, 3rd from right. Joe Ono is in the first row, 8th from left. On the back of the photograph each student has signed their name in correspondence to their position in the …

Portrait of wedding party (ddr-ajah-6-185)
Caption below photo: Goro Sato marries Kimiko Nakayama in Alameda, CA. In 1936, she was living in Decoto, some 24 miles to the south, November 272, 1936.

Layton Japanese School (ddr-densho-162-18)
Front (L to R): Tak Satomura, Mas Miyagishima, Mits Satomura, Shig Satomura, Jim Yamane, John Kikuchi, Toshiye Nishida, Haruye Kosaiku, Yaeko Kosaiku, Kimiye Satomura, Hayashi sensei, Fumi Kikuchi, Ruth Imada, Uta Tsujimoto, Masao Oda, Jane Nakaishi, Chiyo Oda, Hisaye Kariya. 2nd row (L to R): Yori Kosaiku, Tamao Kariya, George Kikuchi, Ben Tsujimoto, Jun Kikuchi, Shimako …

Valeda freshmen installation ceremony (ddr-densho-45-4)
In fall 1947, women of Japanese ancestry started a new student group called Valeda ("wise women" in Greek). Like the Fuyokai, Valeda supported Japanese American women students and encouraged them to join other organizations on campus. Valeda participated in numerous projects on campus and in the community until it disbanded in 1965. Left to right: Setsuko …

Letter from Martha Nozawa to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-410-84)
Describes settling in at Washington University and registering for classes, meeting up with some old friends.

Letter from Martha Nozawa to Tomoye Takahashi (ddr-densho-423-7)
Describes settling in at Washington University and registering for classes, meeting up with some old friends.

Modernaires Club (ddr-manz-10-137)
Back row: Junko Hatae, Alice Araki, Shizuko Uno, Mary Kageyama, Chicki Hiraoka, Fumi Matsuzawa, Teruko Kuwata. Row Two: Reiko Ando, Yuki Inohara, Grace Maruki, Akiko Sakamoto (Advisors), Kazie Nishimoto, Michiko Kamachi. Row One: Yoshiko Kusunoki, Rosie Maruki, Kiyo Tanioka, Toshiko Morishita, Itoyo Hashimoto.

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 15 (October 12, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-41)
Selected article titles: " Masaoka ill, postpones trip to Japan a week" (p. 1), "55 of 65 Nisei public office seekers win in Hawaii primaries" (p. 1), "Tabulate 141,000 Japanese in U.S.; 85,000 in California" (p. 1), "Temporary farm workers continue to arrive by air" (p. 1), "Fresno-born Nisei interprets for Japanese emperor" (p. 2), "One …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 23 (June 5, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-23)
Selected article titles: "Oregon governor names JACLer to state agricultural board" (p. 1), "Toronto editorial asks Canadian gov't to apologize for its Japanese evacuation" (p. 1), "Control of Seabrook farms transferred" (p. 1), "2,600 U.S. Issei naturalized in 1958 fiscal year" (p. 1), "Editorial samplings of nation's press supports Justice Dept. view on evacuation; one columnist …

University of California, Berkeley honorary degree materials (ddr-densho-433-979)
A collection of materials related to a 2009 event hosted by the University of California, Berkeley to honor students who were removed from the college due to Executive Order 9066.
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