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55 items
Japanese sandals (ddr-densho-37-816)
img Japanese sandals (ddr-densho-37-816)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Close-up of geta, stilt-like sandals, which are especially useful in dust. These are made by evacuee craftsmen in this War Relocation Authority center.
Japanese American with parasol (ddr-densho-37-766)
img Japanese American with parasol (ddr-densho-37-766)
Original WRA caption: Japanese parasol for spring showers at Santa Anita Park assembly center. Evacuees later are transferred to War Relocation Authority center for the duration.
Barracks interior (ddr-densho-37-578)
img Barracks interior (ddr-densho-37-578)
Original WRA caption: Salinas Assembly Center, Salinas, California. Evacuees of Japanese descent enjoy a moment of relaxation before setting up housekeeping at this assembly center. They will be transferred to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Camp construction (ddr-densho-37-248)
img Camp construction (ddr-densho-37-248)
Original WRA caption: Construction begins on a War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry near Tule Lake in Modoc County, California, south of the Oregon border.
Assembly of baggage (ddr-densho-37-581)
img Assembly of baggage (ddr-densho-37-581)
Original WRA caption: Salinas, California. Baggage is being assembled to be taken by truck to the Salinas Assembly center where evacuees from this area will await transfer to a War Relocation Authority center.
Military policeman patrolling camp fence (ddr-densho-37-483)
img Military policeman patrolling camp fence (ddr-densho-37-483)
Original WRA caption: Arcadia, California. Military police patrol fence around Santa Anita Park assembly center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry. Evacuees are transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Concentration camp site (ddr-densho-37-251)
img Concentration camp site (ddr-densho-37-251)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Site on which a War Relocation Authority center is to be constructed for the housing of 10,000 evacuees of Japanese ancestry for the duration.
Relief map depicting camp location (ddr-densho-37-411)
img Relief map depicting camp location (ddr-densho-37-411)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Picture of relief map showing location of Manzanar, War Relocation Authority Center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry, in Owens Valley, California, which is flanked in background by the High Sierras and in foreground by Mount Whitney, loftiest peak in the United States.
Mass removal (ddr-densho-37-585)
img Mass removal (ddr-densho-37-585)
Original WRA caption: Salinas, California. Evacuees of Japanese ancesty wait for the bus which will take them to the Salinas Assembly center. They will later be transferred to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Construction of barracks (ddr-densho-37-256)
img Construction of barracks (ddr-densho-37-256)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Construction of this War Relocation Authority center has commenced. Approximately 10,000 evacuees of Japanese ancestry will be housed here for the duration.
Japanese Americans moving luggage (ddr-densho-37-386)
img Japanese Americans moving luggage (ddr-densho-37-386)
Original WRA caption: Salinas, California. These evacuees, having identified their belongings which were brought to this Assembly Center by truck, are not taking it to their barrack homes. Later, when housing is available, they will be moved to a War Relocation Authority center.
Japanese Americans serving food (ddr-densho-37-484)
img Japanese Americans serving food (ddr-densho-37-484)
Original WRA caption: Arcadia, California. Cafeteria-style assures promptness in serving meals at Santa Anita assembly center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry. Evacuees are transferred later to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Assembly center check-in (ddr-densho-37-584)
img Assembly center check-in (ddr-densho-37-584)
Original WRA caption: Salinas, California. Seated in family groups, evacuees of Japanese ancestry check in at Armory before moving into the Salinas Assembly Center. They will later be transferred to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Barracks construction (ddr-densho-37-572)
img Barracks construction (ddr-densho-37-572)
Original WRA caption: Pomona, California. Workmen erecting barracks for evacuees of Japanese ancestry at assembly center on Pomona Fair grounds. Evacuees will be assigned later to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Aerial view of Tule Lake concentration camp (ddr-densho-37-422)
img Aerial view of Tule Lake concentration camp (ddr-densho-37-422)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake, California. A panoramic view showing site of Tule Lake War Relocation Authority Center.
Child waiting with baggage (ddr-densho-37-436)
img Child waiting with baggage (ddr-densho-37-436)
Original WRA caption: A young evacuee of Japanese ancestry waits with the family baggage before leaving by bus for an assembly center in the spring of 1942.
View of Salinas Assembly Center (ddr-densho-37-577)
img View of Salinas Assembly Center (ddr-densho-37-577)
Original WRA caption: Salinas Assembly center, California. Panorama of Salinas Assembly center. Persons of Japanese ancestry, evacuated from coastal areas were held first in assembly centers before being transferred to relocation centers further inland.
Barracks construction (ddr-densho-37-257)
img Barracks construction (ddr-densho-37-257)
Original WRA caption: Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California. Building first house at Tule Lake War Relocation Authority center.
Exterior view of Amache (Granada) (ddr-densho-37-389)
img Exterior view of Amache (Granada) (ddr-densho-37-389)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. Weeds are already taking over where recently thousands of evacuees moved about between their temporary homes and the mess halls, schools and churches of various denominations. A total of nearly 15,000 evacuees were induced into the Granada Project, Amache, Colorado, since August 27, 1942, when the first group …
Construction of Pomona Assembly Center (ddr-densho-37-390)
img Construction of Pomona Assembly Center (ddr-densho-37-390)
Original WRA caption: Pomona, California. General view of assembly center being constructed on Pomona Fairgrounds, for evacuees of Japanese ancestry. Evacuees will be assigned to War Relocation Authority centers for the duration.
Military police on watchtower (ddr-densho-37-392)
img Military police on watchtower (ddr-densho-37-392)
Original WRA caption: Arcadia, California. Military police on duty in watch-tower at the Santa Anita Assembly Center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry. Evacuees are transferred to War Relocation Authority Centers for the duration.