12 items
12 items

Issei newspaper editor in his office (ddr-densho-259-235)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Toyoji Abe This might have been Abe's office from which he ran the Japanese newspaper, the Oshu Shimpo. Abe was a highly influential man in the Portland and the Oregon Japanese communities."

Four Issei men (ddr-densho-259-30)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "4 Issei men, the left one of whom is Senichi Tomihiro of Portland. The third man from the left, is Toyoji Abe."

"Issei men posed in front of Buddhist church" (ddr-densho-259-338)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of Issei men posed in front of Buddhist church. Most probably members of Nipponjin Kai."

Men and children with hiking sticks (ddr-densho-259-41)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Toyoji Abe, Daiichi Takeoka, [Masuo Yasui], Kay, Ches and Min holding hiking sticks and posing on a very rocky field, Mt. Hood in the background it looks like the area around the old Cloud Cap Inn."

Issei men wearing derbies on a hillside (ddr-densho-259-334)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of twelve well dressed Issei men, most of whom are also wearing derbies, and sitting among a field of bracken fern on a side hill. I think that this was taken at the Vista House on the Columbia River highway [in Crown Point, Oregon]."

Seven men in an open touring car (ddr-densho-259-230)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Seven men in an open touring car The driver is a Caucasian man wearing a derby. Immediately behind him, also wearing a derby, is Toyoji Abe. Behind him, also in a derby, is Daiichi Takeoka. And peeking over Takeoka's left shoulder, is [Masuo Yasuoi], wearing a soft hat. In the very rear, …

Officers of Portland Japanese Association (ddr-densho-259-331)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Formal group photograph of 14 Issei men, all very well dressed in western suits. These may have been the officers of the Portland Japanese Association."

Japanese American Families in Hood River, Oregon (ddr-densho-259-48)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Taken in Hood River, on the southwest corner of Second Street and Oak Street. The sign on the window of the corner shop says, 'Slocums Book Store', and further back there is an overhead sign that says, 'Drugs'. The latter was Keir's Drug Store...The picture shows...[Shidzuyo Yasui], [Masuo Yasui], Senichi Tomihiro, Daiichi …

Hiking party outside a lodge in Mount Hood, Oregon (ddr-densho-259-17)
Three men and three boys standing in front of what may be the Cloud Cap Inn Lodge in Cooper Spur, on the northwestern slope of Mount Hood in Oregon. The men are wearing canvas puttees and hiking shoes.

"Issei men posed in front of Buddhist church" (ddr-densho-259-336)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of Issei men posed in front of Buddhist church. Most probably members of Nipponjin Kai."

Nipponjin Kai members (ddr-densho-259-333)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of 39-40 well dressed Issei men standing on a lawn from the appearance of the men, I will guess that these were Nipponjin Kai members."

"Issei men posed in front of Buddhist church" (ddr-densho-259-337)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Group of Issei men posed in front of Buddhist church. Most probably members of Nipponjin Kai."