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3211 items
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 46, No. 21 (May 23, 1958) (ddr-pc-30-21)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 46, No. 21 (May 23, 1958) (ddr-pc-30-21)
Select article titles: "Washington JACL office problems, pressures mooted" (p. 1); "Nisei nuclear physicist to lecture at Japan institute as Fulbright scholar" (p. 8) "Shutdown of claim offices in L.A., S.F. due; date unset" (p.8); "Wirin files suit to halt nuclear tests" (p.8) Starting in No. 13, the volume number in the header changes from 46 …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 5 (August 3, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-31)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 5 (August 3, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-31)
Selected article titles: "Wirin Honored by JACL for 25 Yrs. Work with ACLU" (p. 1), "84th Congress adjourns with 'good' average on JACL-sponsored bills" (p. 1), "Nisei candidate in Washington state primaries" (p. 1), "Arizona Nisei-Tended Farms Eyed by Tract Developers, Realtors" (p. 1), "Midwest sees more Nisei job opportunity, but better social outlets in California" …
Japanese family (ddr-csujad-25-54)
img Japanese family (ddr-csujad-25-54)
A page from an album containing Japanese family photographs. The photographs pasted on the page appear to be taken in Washington in the early 1900s. Include Japanese men, women, and children. Also include the elk sculpture, Thompson Fountain in Portland, Oregon. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_07_01_054
Japanese man (ddr-csujad-25-19)
img Japanese man (ddr-csujad-25-19)
A page from an album containing Japanese family photographs. Four photographs are pasted on the page. The photographs appear to be taken in Washington in the early 1900s. Include a Japanese man in suits, and a house. Also include male and female Caucasians. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: …
Railroad bridges (ddr-csujad-25-12)
img Railroad bridges (ddr-csujad-25-12)
A page from an album containing Japanese family photographs. Four photographs are pasted on the page. The photographs appear to be taken in Spokane Washington in the early 1900s. Include photographs of Monrore Street Bridge, Latah Bridge, and Spokane Riverfront Park. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_07_01_012
McCarver R (ddr-csujad-25-348)
img McCarver R (ddr-csujad-25-348)
A group photograph of music performers of Morton Matthew McCarver Middle School in Tacoma, Seattle. The photograph is taken by A. B. Read Photo Studio in Tacoma, Washington in front of the school building in June 1937. Inscription reads: Read a3555. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_12_010
Haruhara Saiho Gakko doso kyuyu shusai Kason Biyoin Incho Yanagimura Masaji-joshi kangeikai kinen [= Commemorative photograph of a welcoming party for Ms. Masaji Yanagimura, Carson Beauty Salon Manager, hosted by Haruhara Sewing School Alumni] (ddr-csujad-25-335)
img Haruhara Saiho Gakko doso kyuyu shusai Kason Biyoin Incho Yanagimura Masaji-joshi kangeikai kinen [= Commemorative photograph of a welcoming party for Ms. Masaji Yanagimura, Carson Beauty Salon Manager, hosted by Haruhara Sewing School Alumni] (ddr-csujad-25-335)
A group photograph of the attendees of the welcoming party for Ms. Yanagimura Masaji, Carson Beauty Salon manager, held by Haruhara Sewing School alumni on October 21, 1934. The photograph is taken by "Takano Studio," a photo studio in Seattle, Washington. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_11_01_005
Japanese family (ddr-csujad-25-28)
img Japanese family (ddr-csujad-25-28)
A page from an album containing Japanese family photographs. Two photographs are pasted on the page. Both photographs appear to be taken in Washington in the early 1900s. Include a family portrait and a portrait of a Japanese woman in western dress. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: jia_07_01_028
Tribute paid Nisei missing in action (ddr-csujad-49-240)
doc Tribute paid Nisei missing in action (ddr-csujad-49-240)
Newspaper clipping on Nisei from the 442nd Regimental Combat Team paying tribute to those missing action with a tribute at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington, D.C. An item from: pages 116-117 of the Sue Kato scrapbook (gfb_skc_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: 2019_002_001_073_02
North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 6 (June 5, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-4)
doc North Portland Evacuazette Vol. I No. 6 (June 5, 1942) (ddr-densho-120-4)
Selected article titles: "Volunteer Beet Workers Leave Sunday" (p. 1), "Graduation Wednesday" (p. 1), "520 Arrived Today From Washington. 627 More Evacuees Due on Saturday" (p. 1), "2000 Persons Attend Show" (p. 1), "'Hi Neighbor' Jig This Sat!" (p. 3), "Shower Schedule" (p. 3), "Hospital Adds New Mess Hall" (p. 3), "Mattresses Available" (p. 3), "500 …
Manzanar Free Press Vol. 5 No. 37 (May 6, 1944) (ddr-densho-125-234)
doc Manzanar Free Press Vol. 5 No. 37 (May 6, 1944) (ddr-densho-125-234)
Selected article titles: "Restriction Rule in Utah, Colorado Relaxed -- Heath" (p. 1), "Nisei Charged With Violating Alien Law" (p. 1), "Washington 'Convicted' of Rich Farming Possibilities in South" (p. 1), "Kuroki Welcomed at Heart Mountain" (p. 1), "Job Openings for Evacuees Plentiful in Chicago Area" (p. 1), "Evacuation Case Postponed Till Fall" (p. 1), "More …
Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 20 (February 14, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-109)
doc Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 20 (February 14, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-109)
Selected article titles: "More Niseis Sent Out of Tule"; "East, South Restrictions to be Lifted Very Soon"; "On the Other Hand"; "Supreme Court Affirms Okay of Jap Evacuations"; "Housing Effort Meeting Success"; "Blanca News Items"; "Sacramento Seeking Jobs for Evacuees"; "Washington State Bill for Anti-Discrimination"; "Want Ads Today"; "Soldiers Haul Coal for Minnesotans"; "R.F.C. Aid Suggested"; …
Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 48 (April 20, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-137)
doc Rocky Shimpo Vol. 12, No. 48 (April 20, 1945) (ddr-densho-148-137)
Selected article titles: "'No Problem' to Office's Staff"; "Thriving Shop Operator"; "On the Other Hand"; "Resignation of Ickes Rumored in Washington"; "'Y' Officer Out"; "$16,800 Trust Fund Will be Re-Distributed"; "Mess Sergeant's Courage Hailed"; "Sustain Horton's Action"; "Over 200 Detroit Niseis at Acquaintance Meet"; "Want Ads Today"; "Restore Names"; "Spend for Welfare"; "2-Room House for Him; …
Family photograph (ddr-densho-154-1)
img Family photograph (ddr-densho-154-1)
Photo donor's aunt, Masako Nakagawa, pictured with husband Masato, holding their infant daughter Seiko. Also in the photograph are Masako's uncle and aunt, the Yamasakis. Masako was born in Seattle, Washington, but was sent back to Japan at a young age and never returned to the U.S. She died of disease in Hiroshima during World War …
Weekly Press Review No. 38 (ddr-densho-156-350)
doc Weekly Press Review No. 38 (ddr-densho-156-350)
Original summary excerpt: Coalition of five West Coast Congressmen who have united to "wipe out WRA" was highlighted in a series of articles by Ray Richards, Hearst-controlled writer. Charges that evacuees released from centers were buying rich farm lands in Washington and Oregon also recevied prominent space during the week. This series by Ray Richards echoed …
Japanese American working on camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-460)
img Japanese American working on camp newspaper (ddr-densho-37-460)
Original WRA caption: Heart Mountain Relocation Center, Heart Mountain Wyoming. In the press room of the Cody Enterprise, Bill Hosokawa, Editor of the Sentinel, Heart Mountain Relocation Center newspaper, sets type for the final makeup of the weekly edition. Bill, a former foreign correspondent and Washington U. graduate, sets type, pulls proofs, operates the linotype, locks …
Letter to Yuri Domoto from Richard Tsukada (ddr-densho-356-436)
doc Letter to Yuri Domoto from Richard Tsukada (ddr-densho-356-436)
Letter to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from her future husband Richard "Dick" Tsukada. Dick writes about his journey to Philidelpha, including a stop to see Kaneji Domoto (Yuri's brother) who was staying around Baltimore, together Dick and Kaneji visited Washington D.C. to see sights and have dinner. Dick also details the next steps in his journey to …
Issei couple in front of their postwar home (ddr-densho-2-37)
img Issei couple in front of their postwar home (ddr-densho-2-37)
Kadju Nishimura (left) and her husband, Kumataro, in front of their housing project home in Seattle, Washington. Kadju Nishimura (1883-1967) and her husband, Kumataro (1876-1958), lived in a house that was part of the White Center Housing Project in West Seattle. According to their daughter, the project was home for a number of Issei who resettled …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, February 1981 (ddr-sjacl-1-293)
doc Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, February 1981 (ddr-sjacl-1-293)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Installation Banquet, February 15, Butcher Restaurant, NW Design Center, $15.00, Keynote- Cong Mike Lowry, Lori Matsukawa MC; fundraiser for Min Masuda Memorial Fund (Died June 1980); summary of article in Seattle Sun on Gordon Hirabayashi; Review of first full length feature film JAs produced by JAs, Hito Hata; Lake Washington JACL …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, February 1981 (ddr-sjacl-1-221)
doc Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, February 1981 (ddr-sjacl-1-221)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Installation Banquet, February 15, Butcher Restaurant, NW Design Center, $15.00, Keynote- Cong Mike Lowry, Lori Matsukawa MC; fundraiser for Min Masuda Memorial Fund (Died June 1980); summary of article in Seattle Sun on Gordon Hirabayashi; Review of first full length feature film JAs produced by JAs, Hito Hata; Lake Washington JACL …
Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, February 1981 (ddr-sjacl-1-292)
doc Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, February 1981 (ddr-sjacl-1-292)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Installation Banquet, February 15, Butcher Restaurant, NW Design Center, $15.00, Keynote- Cong Mike Lowry, Lori Matsukawa MC; fundraiser for Min Masuda Memorial Fund (Died June 1980); summary of article in Seattle Sun on Gordon Hirabayashi; Review of first full length feature film JAs produced by JAs, Hito Hata; Lake Washington JACL …
Sumi Saito Interview (ddr-one-7-39)
vh Sumi Saito Interview (ddr-one-7-39)
Nisei female. Born in Asher, Washington. Grew up in Vale, Oregon, where parents ran a farm. Remained in Oregon during World War II.

(This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of …

Miyoko Tsuboi Nakagawa Interview (ddr-densho-1000-421)
vh Miyoko Tsuboi Nakagawa Interview (ddr-densho-1000-421)
Nisei female. Born March 8, 1925, in Portland, Oregon. Lost mother at an early age and helped to take care of the family. During World War II, removed to the Portland Assembly Center, Oregon, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. After leaving camp, worked for a War Relocation Authority office helping to return confiscated property to …
David R. Boyd - Marietta Boyd Gruner Interview (ddr-densho-1000-419)
vh David R. Boyd - Marietta Boyd Gruner Interview (ddr-densho-1000-419)
This interview was conducted with siblings David R. Boyd and Marietta Boyd Gruner, children of Gene Boyd, who worked for the Seattle Parks Department. Gene Boyd was the athletic director for the Collins Field House, and had a close relationship with members of the Japanese American community in Seattle. Notably, during World War II, Gene Boyd …
vh Harold "Hal" Champeness Interview (ddr-densho-1001-39)
Caucasian male. Born in 1923. Grew up on Bainbridge Island, Washington. Joined the navy during World War II and eventually returned to Bainbridge.

(This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of …