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Charles Z. Smith Interview Segment 13 (ddr-densho-1000-169-13)
First exposure to the Asian American experience through friends in Seattle, Washington

Alice Abrams Siegal Interview Segment 8 (ddr-densho-1000-173-8)
Description of prewar Jewish community in Central Area neighborhood of Seattle, Washington

Alice Abrams Siegal Interview Segment 14 (ddr-densho-1000-173-14)
Brother's recollections of the mass removal of Japanese Americans from Seattle, Washington

Nisei children visiting mother's gravesite (ddr-densho-182-88)
Volunteer Park cemetery, Seattle, Washington. Albert & Margaret Ouchi.

Japanese Americans at the beach (ddr-densho-182-119)
Possibly Alki Beach, Seattle, Washington. Ouchi, Mimbus, Amanos.

Issei woman in a park (ddr-densho-182-116)
Volunteer Park, Seattle, Washington. Oshima sisters (Tayo, Toyo).

Testimony of Lois Kaneko (ddr-densho-67-269)
Written testimony of Lois Kaneko, born in Seattle, Washington. Incarcerated in Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearings in Seattle, Washington, September 9-11, 1981.

Testimony of Kimiko Nakamura (ddr-densho-67-259)
Written testimony of Kimiko Nakamura of Seattle, Washington. Incarcerated at the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearings in Seattle, Washington, September 9-11, 1981.

Ayako Murakami - Masako Murakami Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-63-6)
Attending Bailey Gatzert Elementary School and the Japanese language school in Seattle, Washington

Miyoko Kaneta Segment 9 (ddr-densho-1000-449-9)
Leaving camp and living in Idaho and California before moving to Seattle, Washington

Interior of a restaurant (ddr-densho-252-142)
Likely the Bush Garden restaurant in Seattle, Washington. Caption on Post-it: "Busch Garden, Seattle."

Interior of a restaurant (ddr-densho-252-143)
Likely the Bush Garden restaurant in Seattle, Washington. Caption on Post-it: "Busch Garden, Seattle."

Northwest Buddhist Convention Banquet (ddr-one-1-413)
Black and white photographic negative of the head table at the Northwest Buddhist Convention banquet dinner in the Seattle Buddhist Church's basement. From left to right: Reverend Tatsuya Ichikawa (from Seattle, Washington), Reverend Eiyu Terao (from Spokane, Washington), Reverend Shinjo Ikuta (from Vancouver, British Columbia), Reverend Tesshin Shibata (from White River, Washington), Reverend Akira Jotetsu Ono …

Testimony of Takao Aoki (ddr-densho-67-311)
Written testimony of Takao Aoki, born in Seattle, Washington. Incarcerated in the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearings in Seattle, Washington, September 9-11, 1981.

Testimony of Yutaka Fujikado (ddr-densho-67-279)
Written testimony of Yutaka Fujikado, born in Seattle, Washington. Incarcerated in the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearings in Seattle, Washington, September 9-11, 1981.

Testimony of Mitsue Furuta (ddr-densho-67-274)
Written testimony of Mitsue Furuta of Seattle, Washington. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearings in Seattle, Washington, September 9-11, 1981. Personal information excised by Densho.

James "Turk" Suzuki Interview (ddr-densho-1000-204)
Nisei male. Born October 17, 1923, in Seattle, Washington. Grew up in Seattle, Washington, before being incarcerated in the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Volunteered in the 442nd Regimental Combat team out of camp, and eventually returned to Seattle after World War II.

Issei man on the beach (ddr-densho-124-13)
Raisuke Tamura is at Alki Point in Seattle, Washington.

Testimony of Henry S. Itoi (ddr-densho-67-270)
Written testimony of Henry S. Itoi, born in Seattle, Washington. Incarcerated in the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearings in Seattle, Washington, September 9-11, 1981.

Testimony of Nobuko Yanagimachi Suzuki (ddr-densho-67-296)
Written testimony of Nobuko Yanagimachi Suzuki, born in Seattle, Washington. Incarcerated in the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearings in Seattle, Washington, September 9-11, 1981.

Testimony of Lily Yuriko (Yasui) Ota (ddr-densho-67-253)
Written testimony of Lily Yuriko (Yasui) Ota of Seattle, Washington. Incarcerated in the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearings in Seattle, Washington, September 9-11, 1981.

May Ota Higa Interview (ddr-densho-1000-174)
Nisei female. Born March 14, 1916, in Seattle, Washington. Grew up in Seattle and Ellensburg, Washington, before going to Japan to teach just prior to the onset of World War II. Returned to Seattle in 1941, and was removed with family to Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. After the war, resettled in …

"Seattle International Community News" (ddr-densho-201-471)
"Seattle International Community News; January, 1953 issue; Vol. 1 No. 1.; Seattle, Washington; Price 15 cents."

Mitoyo Nakato and grandchildren (ddr-densho-477-63)
Photograph of Mitoyo (Komatsubara) Nakato with her three Nakahara grandchildren. Identified left to right: Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Tsuyoshi Nakahara, and Monzaburo Nakahara. The caption below the photo is "1925 Mitsuko (8 yrs) Tsuyoshi (3 yr) Monzaburo (1 yr) Grandma Mitoyo Nakato (57 yr)" written in black ink. The additional caption included on the page reads "MITSUKO'S …

Betty Morita Shibayama Interview Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1000-152-1)
Family background: grandfather "jumped ship" on way to Mexico and landed in Seattle, Washington