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4981 items
Farmers planting rice (ddr-densho-299-9)
img Farmers planting rice (ddr-densho-299-9)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-47-77282. 14 July 47 / Rice planting in Japan: / Japanese farmers force shoots / of rice into sodden earth of / a paddy located near Mount Fuji, / Japan. This extra-large rice / paddy is part of a ceaseless / battle against starvation in Japan. / Photographer - Kaye / Photograph by …
View of Adachi-ku (ddr-densho-299-30)
img View of Adachi-ku (ddr-densho-299-30)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-1950. 25 March 49 / NRS Project: / View of village in Adachi-ku showing / extensive use of wood in construction / - domestic houses, shops, hotels and / religious structures. Close proximity / of structures a great fire hazard. / Photographer - Crowe / Photograph by U.S. Army."
Farmers eating lunch next to rice paddies (ddr-densho-299-29)
img Farmers eating lunch next to rice paddies (ddr-densho-299-29)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-47-77286. 14 July 47 / Rice planting in Japan: / At a farm near Mount Fuji, Japan, / a group of Japanese farmers eat / lunch along side of the rice paddy / in which they have been working. Soon / they will be plodding through the / sodden earth again in their …
Allied officers stand at attention (ddr-densho-299-185)
img Allied officers stand at attention (ddr-densho-299-185)
Officers seeming to prepare to give some sort of speech. Appear to be General Eichelberger and General Eisenhower among them.
Lake after a typhoon with mountain in the background (ddr-densho-299-224)
img Lake after a typhoon with mountain in the background (ddr-densho-299-224)
Caption: "The morning after a typhoon. The fisherman was bailing out his boat and ruining the reflection. He finally / understood and sat quietly so I could take this photo without ripples."
Crops grown in a bombed out area (ddr-densho-299-32)
img Crops grown in a bombed out area (ddr-densho-299-32)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-2011. 30 March 49 / NRS construction project: / Every available plot of ground is used / for the production of food crops. A / garden being prepared in the rubble / of bombed out building. / Photographer - Crowe / Photograph by U.S. Army."
Lumber stacked (ddr-densho-299-13)
img Lumber stacked (ddr-densho-299-13)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-1953. 25 March 49 / NRS Project: / Lumber yard showing precut lengths / of pine, oak, sugi, and stacked uncut / lengths of bamboo and sugi. / Photographer - Orzio / Photograph by U.S. Army."
Ted Akimoto and a woman look at pieces of rubble from blast (ddr-densho-299-148)
img Ted Akimoto and a woman look at pieces of rubble from blast (ddr-densho-299-148)
First two words of caption are partially covered. May refer to a "General Hansey [?]" Caption: "…secretary and I look at some fragments trying to identify what they might / have been we're about 50 meters from the epicenter of the blast which was directly on top / of the dome in the background."
Japanese firefighter (ddr-densho-299-166)
img Japanese firefighter (ddr-densho-299-166)
Caption: "Common firefighting garb during the war."
Japanese rickshaw driver and passenger (ddr-densho-299-111)
img Japanese rickshaw driver and passenger (ddr-densho-299-111)
Caption: "The only vehicles seen in the streets were jeeps or command cars with an occasional motorcycle / engine driven tricycle cart. With no taxis most people would rely on rickshas [sic]. There were a few / streetcars and charcoal fueled buses."
Japanese refugees making camp in a field (ddr-densho-299-113)
img Japanese refugees making camp in a field (ddr-densho-299-113)
Caption: "We helped with tents and evacuation of larger pieces"
Workers gathered for speeches (ddr-densho-299-5)
img Workers gathered for speeches (ddr-densho-299-5)
Caption on reverse: "Workers / gathered for / May Day speeches."
Crops growing in bombed out buildings (ddr-densho-299-7)
img Crops growing in bombed out buildings (ddr-densho-299-7)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-49-2015. 30 March 49 / NRS Project: / Production of food crops among bombed / out buildings showing utilization of / every available space. / Photographer-Crowe / Photograph by U.S. Army."
Truck loaded with charcoal (ddr-densho-299-56)
img Truck loaded with charcoal (ddr-densho-299-56)
Caption on reverse: "Charcoal / Caverim [sic] / taking / place."
Telephone operators before starting work (ddr-densho-299-193)
img Telephone operators before starting work (ddr-densho-299-193)
Caption: "Telephone operators bowing respectfully to their supervisor before beginning work."
Ted Akimoto's farewell (ddr-densho-299-235)
img Ted Akimoto's farewell (ddr-densho-299-235)
Caption: "My men surprised me with an impromptu 'farewell' at the airbase as I boarded an air evacuation flight / back to the states. It took 42 hours with refueling stops at Guam, Johnston Island, and / Hawaii to reach San Francisco. Then it was on to Fitsimon's Hospital, Denver, Colorado. / President Truman visited the …
Japanese farmer planting rice (ddr-densho-299-176)
img Japanese farmer planting rice (ddr-densho-299-176)
Caption: "Rice plants are planted individually by hand in the muddy soil."
A farmer in his rice paddy (ddr-densho-299-15)
img A farmer in his rice paddy (ddr-densho-299-15)
Caption on reverse: "FEC-47-77287. 14 July 47 / Japanese rice farming: / A Japanese farmer works in his / large rice paddy located near / Mount Fuji, Japan. Rice is first / planted in special beds of well / fertilized soil, and when it / reaches a certain size it is pulled / up and taken …