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5620 items
Family traveling back to Japan (ddr-densho-321-919)
img Family traveling back to Japan (ddr-densho-321-919)
Caption in album: "Mom leaving for Japan / Kiku / Born: Napa, California / 1907 / Spent 10 years in / Hakata, Fukuoka, Japan."
Japanese repatriates leaving for Japan (ddr-densho-37-277)
img Japanese repatriates leaving for Japan (ddr-densho-37-277)
Original WRA caption: "Japanese repatriates embarking for Japan." Although the WRA caption specifically refers to repatriates, many Japanese Americans who left were citizens of the United States and therefore, expatriates.
Japanese repatriates leaving for Japan (ddr-densho-37-281)
img Japanese repatriates leaving for Japan (ddr-densho-37-281)
Original WRA caption: "Japanese repatriates embarking for Japan." Although the WRA caption specifically refers to repatriates, many Japanese Americans who left were citizens of the United States and therefore, expatriates.
Japanese repatriates leaving for Japan (ddr-densho-37-278)
img Japanese repatriates leaving for Japan (ddr-densho-37-278)
Original WRA caption: "Japanese repatriates embarking for Japan." Although the WRA caption specifically refers to repatriates, many Japanese Americans who left were citizens of the United States and therefore, expatriates.
Japanese repatriates leaving for Japan (ddr-densho-37-282)
img Japanese repatriates leaving for Japan (ddr-densho-37-282)
Original WRA caption: "Japanese repatriates embarking for Japan." Although the WRA caption specifically refers to repatriates, many Japanese Americans who left were citizens of the United States and therefore, expatriates.
Japanese repatriates leaving for Japan (ddr-densho-37-279)
img Japanese repatriates leaving for Japan (ddr-densho-37-279)
Original WRA caption: "Japanese repatriates embarking for Japan." Although the WRA caption specifically refers to repatriates, many Japanese Americans who left were citizens of the United States and therefore, expatriates.
Japanese repatriates leaving for Japan (ddr-densho-37-280)
img Japanese repatriates leaving for Japan (ddr-densho-37-280)
Original WRA caption: "Japanese repatriates embarking for Japan." Although the WRA caption specifically refers to repatriates, many Japanese Americans who left were citizens of the United States and therefore, expatriates.
Nazi Fifth Column in Japan (ddr-densho-381-53)
doc Nazi Fifth Column in Japan (ddr-densho-381-53)
A collection of articles, all written by Dr. Charles N. Spinks, about "Hitler's agents running Tokio [sic]."
doc Article "Will Japan Crack Up?" (ddr-densho-356-1028)
Article titled: "Will Japan Crack Up?" by Omori Harris from Harper's Magazine
Counter-Intelligence Corps in Japan (ddr-csujad-55-2003)
doc Counter-Intelligence Corps in Japan (ddr-csujad-55-2003)
Essay on the history and activities of Saburo Oshita and the 441st Counter-Intelligence Corps during World War II. Covers Oshita's background and training, objectives of the Counter-Intelligence Corps, occupation and activities in Japan, assignment in Hokkaido and Wakkanai, and the role of Nisei in the Counter-Intelligence Corps. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese …
Chiyono (Makio) Isoshima in Japan (ddr-densho-477-556)
img Chiyono (Makio) Isoshima in Japan (ddr-densho-477-556)
The caption written on the photo reads "Grandma Isoshima" in black ink.
Yoshiaki Morita visiting from Japan (ddr-densho-477-521)
img Yoshiaki Morita visiting from Japan (ddr-densho-477-521)
Photograph of Yoshiaki Morita (right) with Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (left) and Takeo Isoshima (center) at dinner. The caption below the photo reads "Nephew Yoshiaki Morita Visit from Japan" in black ink.
Isoshima Cemetery in Okayama, Japan (ddr-densho-477-456)
img Isoshima Cemetery in Okayama, Japan (ddr-densho-477-456)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima paying his respects to the family grave. The caption written below the photo reads "Isoshima Cemetery in Okayama, Japan" in black ink.
doc Draft: "Race 4 in Japan" (ddr-densho-468-153)
Essay on race, Japanese ethnicity, and visit to pre-war Japan
doc "Japan Purchases April 1991" notebook (ddr-densho-422-557)
Tomoye Takahashi's notes on buying trip, including printed pages of items and shipping information. Includes notes from later trip in October 1992. In English and Japanese.
Group photo standing by plane (ddr-densho-426-239)
img Group photo standing by plane (ddr-densho-426-239)
Group holding sign: Japan Airline Welcomes Takahashi Tour. Tomoye Takahashi 4th from left, Masako Takahashi center front. Stamped on back: Please Give Photo Credit to Japan Airlines
Group photo standing by plane (ddr-densho-426-238)
img Group photo standing by plane (ddr-densho-426-238)
Group holding sign: Japan Airline Welcomes Takahashi Tour. Tomoye Takahashi 4th from left, Masako Takahashi center front. Stamped on back: Please Give Photo Credit to Japan Airlines
Photo folder from the Fairmont Hotel, Nob Hill San Francisco (ddr-densho-426-240)
img Photo folder from the Fairmont Hotel, Nob Hill San Francisco (ddr-densho-426-240)
Norman and Henri Takahashi at left, Masako and Tomoye on right. With unknown couple. On back: September 1958