679 items
Kay Matsuoka Segment 40 (ddr-densho-1000-48-40)
Returning to Fresno, California, after the war: struggling with illness and making a living
Saturday news (Fresno, California) (May 16, 1942) (ddr-csujad-55-46)
News bulletin from the Fresno Assembly Center. Topics include sanitation, baby formula, milk prescription, repairs, press room, mail order, alien change of address, selective service, church notes, typhoid inoculation, and lost and found. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_00050
Miyoko Uzaki Interview (ddr-manz-1-156)
Nisei female. Born January 15, 1920, in Fresno, California. Grew up in the Fresno area where parents farmed grapes. During World War II, removed to the Fresno Assembly Center, California, and the Jerome and Rohwer concentration camps, Arkansas. After leaving camp, returned to Fresno.
Yasashi Ichikawa Interview I Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1000-111-12)
Participating in the Buddhist temple in Fresno, California (Japanese language)
This interview was conducted in Japanese. The transcript is a translation of the original interview.
Yasashi Ichikawa Interview I Segment 14 (ddr-densho-1000-111-14)
Life in Fresno, California: raising children and learning English (Japanese language)
This interview was conducted in Japanese. The transcript is a translation of the original interview.
Saburo Masada Interview (ddr-manz-1-157)
Nisei male. Born April 1, 1930, in Fresno, California. Grew up in Caruthers, California, where parents leased a vineyard. During World War II, sent to the Fresno Assembly Center, California, and the Jerome concentration camp, Arkansas. After leaving camp, lived in Ogden, Utah, and become a minister. Eventually returned to California.
Bus headed to summer camp (ddr-densho-336-297)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps. The bus left from the Japanese Congregational Church in Fresno, California.
Bus headed to summer camp (ddr-densho-336-296)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps. The bus left from the Japanese Congregational Church in Fresno, California.
Scenery from a bus headed to summer camp (ddr-densho-336-300)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps. The bus left from the Japanese Congregational Church in Fresno, California.
Scenery from a bus headed to summer camp (ddr-densho-336-298)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps. The bus left from the Japanese Congregational Church in Fresno, California.
Scenery from a bus headed to summer camp (ddr-densho-336-299)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps. The bus left from the Japanese Congregational Church in Fresno, California.
Campers boarding the bus to summer camp (ddr-densho-336-292)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps. The bus was leaving from the Japanese Congregational Church in Fresno, California.
Bus headed to summer camp (ddr-densho-336-294)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps. The bus was leaving from the Japanese Congregational Church in Fresno, California.
Bus headed to summer camp (ddr-densho-336-295)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps. The bus was leaving from the Japanese Congregational Church in Fresno, California.
Campers boarding the bus to summer camp (ddr-densho-336-293)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps. The bus was leaving from the Japanese Congregational Church in Fresno, California.
Fresno Grapevine Collection (ddr-densho-190)
This collection consists of issues of the Fresno Grapevine, which was the newspaper for the Fresno Assembly Center, California, open from May 8, 1942, to June 29, 1942. The newspaper provided information about activities and sports, living conditions, and the move to permanent camps.
Kimiko Nakashima Interview (ddr-manz-1-116)
Nisei female. Born November 27, 1919, in Florin, California. Grew up in Florin where parents ran a farm. During World War II, removed to the Fresno Assembly Center, California, the Jerome concentration camp, Arkansas, and the Granada (Amache) concentration camp, Colorado. After leaving camp, lived and worked for a time in Utah before eventually returning to …
Sat Kuwamoto Interview (ddr-densho-1010-7)
Nisei male. Born February 25, 1922, in Fresno, California. Grew up in Fresno, where parents ran several retail stores. During World War II, removed to the Fresno Assembly Center, California, and the Gila River concentration camp, Arizona. After leaving camp, graduated from the Missouri School of Mines. Returned to Fresno after World War II.
(This material …
Nori Masuda Interview (ddr-densho-1010-10)
Nisei male. Born September 11, 1916, in Fresno, California. Grew up in Fresno in Chinatown, where the city's Chinese and Japanese communities were concentrated. During World War II, removed to the Fresno Assembly Center, California, and the Jerome concentration camp, Arkansas. Left camp to work for Seabrook Farms, New Jersey. Enlisted in the military and served …
California Young People's Christian Conference Collection (ddr-densho-341)
The California Young People's Christian Conference Collection consists of two scrapbooks of clippings, programs and photos from conferences, social activities and events held by the Northern California Young People Christian Conference, the Bay Region Young People's Christian Conference, the Central California Young People's Christian Conference and the Fresno Young People's Fellowship.
Kay Ikeda Interview (ddr-densho-1010-11)
Nisei female. Born 1922 in Fresno, California, where parents owned a tofu shop. Mother passed away prior to World War II giving birth to twin girls. Married prior to the war. Removed to the Fresno Assembly Center, California, and the Jerome concentration camp, Arkansas. After leaving camp, returned to Fresno.
(This material is based upon work …
Doris Nitta Interview (ddr-manz-1-108)
Nisei female. Born December 28, 1929, in Florin, California. Grew up in Florin where parents ran a farm. During World War II, removed to the Fresno Assembly Center, California, and the Jerome and Rohwer concentration camps, Arkansas. After leaving camp, returned to California.
Narrator Miyoko Uzaki
Nisei female. Born January 15, 1920, in Fresno, California. Grew up in the Fresno area where parents farmed grapes. During World War II, removed to the Fresno Assembly Center, California, and the Jerome and Rohwer concentration camps, Arkansas. After leaving camp, returned to Fresno.
Kenji Maruko Interview (ddr-densho-1010-8)
Sansei male. Born December 13, 1920, in Fresno, California. Father was born in Hawaii, mother was born in Japan. Grew up in Fresno, where parents ran a successful bicycle shop and general store. During World War II, removed to the Fresno Assembly Center, California, and the Jerome concentration camp, Arkansas. Signed "no-no" on the so-called "loyalty …
Emi Yamamoto Interview (ddr-densho-1015-6)
Nisei female. Born October 3, 1919, in Fresno, California. Grew up in Watsonville, California, helping on family's strawberry farm. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, was removed to the Salinas Assembly Center and the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. After World War II, returned to Watsonville.