193 items
193 items

Letter to two Nisei brothers from their sister (ddr-densho-153-96)
Excerpt: "Since I had a little time to let my food digest, I thought I'd drop you a line. " Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to a Nisei man from his sister (ddr-densho-153-53)
Excerpt: "This morning I got up at 6:05 and got dressed and washed up." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Postcard to a Nisei man from his mother and sister (ddr-densho-153-159)
Excerpt: "This time I am anxious to waite to hear from you." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to two Nisei brothers from their sister (ddr-densho-153-218)
Excerpt: "How are you? We are all well and hope that your cold is gone by now." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to a Nisei man from his brother (ddr-densho-153-89)
Excerpt: "This a letter to inform you that I have been cleared and thus eligible for leave clearance." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to a Nisei man from his sister (ddr-densho-153-116)
Excerpt: "Got you letter today and the material which Towru sent came yesterday." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to a Nisei man from his brother (ddr-densho-153-142)
Excerpt: "Sorry not to have written for so long but this workman's-school stuff begins to tell on a person and I happen to be victim of fatigue." Sent from Minnesota, possibly to Camp Robinson, Arkansas.

Letter to two Nisei brothers from their sister (ddr-densho-153-102)
Excerpt: "Sorry I haven't been writing to you but I really was busy." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to a Nisei man from his sister (ddr-densho-153-128)
Excerpt: "Thanks for your letters. It sure sounds like the army life is teaching you quite a few things." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, possibly to Camp Robinson, Arkansas.

Letter to a Nisei man from his sister (ddr-densho-153-133)
Excerpt: "Thank you for all of the letters. It's a good thing you never forget to drop a few lines each week." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, possibly to Camp Robinson, Arkansas.

Postcard to a Nisei man from his sister (ddr-densho-153-163)
Excerpt: "It sure has been hot lately and I looked at the thermometer in the Odahara's place and it was 102 degrees and that was pretty hot." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to a Nisei man from his sister (ddr-densho-153-78)
Excerpt: "A beautiful post card and a letter came this swell morning." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to a Nisei man from his brother (ddr-densho-153-135)
Excerpt: "Thanks a million for the last letter." Sent from Minnesota, possibly to Camp Robinson, Arkansas.

Letter to a Nisei man from his sister (ddr-densho-153-72)
Excerpt: "As I went to the block office this morning, I was wondering what had happened to you because you didn't write for 1 week." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to a Nisei man from his sister (ddr-densho-153-26)
Excerpt: "Today is sunday & I just got back from breakfast & boy it was delicious." This letter was sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Postcard to a Nisei man from his sister (ddr-densho-153-162)
Excerpt: "Today we received your letter (post card) which was nice." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to two Nisei brothers from their sister (ddr-densho-153-104)
Excerpt: "Tonight I started to write because I just happened to remember that this week is "national brotherhood" week." Sent from Manzanar concentration camp, California, to Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to a Nisei man from a friend (ddr-densho-153-42)
Excerpt: "Received your letter a few days ago and was sorry learn you haven't been feeling normal." Sent from Van Nuys, California, to Chicago, Illinois.