Kenji Tomita
Nisei male. Born August 25, 1924, in Alameda, California. Grew up in Alameda, where father ran a food wholesaling business. Was in high school when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Removed to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Left Topaz on student leave to attend the University of Cincinnati. Drafted into the military in 1944, and served with the Military Intelligence Service in Japan. After discharge, returned to the Bay Area, graduated from college with a business degree, and worked for the Department of Public Health. Longtime volunteer with the Japanese American Services of the East Bay.

Kenji Tomita Interview — ddr-ajah-1-3
November 20, 2021.
San Rafael, California.
1:55:53 — 20 segments.
1:55:53 — 20 segments.