Hikaru Morohoshi
Kibei Nisei male. Born October 4, 1915, in Stockton, California. As a young child, sent to Japan to live with grandparents and attend school. Returned to California at age eighteen, and drafted into the U.S. military. Discharged from the army after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Removed to the Tanforan Assembly Center, Washington, and the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Answered "no-no" on the so-called "loyalty questionnaire" and was transferred to the Tule Lake concentration camp, California. After leaving Tule Lake, lived in Maryland and Florida before eventually returning to California.
Hikaru Morohoshi Interview — ddr-densho-1000-303
September 2, 2010.
Los Angeles, California.
01:17:01 — 14 segments.
01:17:01 — 14 segments.