Dave Tatsuno
Nisei male. Born March 31, 1913, in San Francisco, California. Spent difficult childhood years in San Francisco under care of a guardian while family lived in Japan. Graduated with a degree in business administration from the University of California at Berkeley before World War II. Removed to Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and then to Topaz concentration camp, Utah. While in Topaz, was permitted to travel around the country as a buyer for the camp co-op store, and also obtained permission to shoot home movie footage from within the camp itself. After World War II, established the Nichibei Bussan Department Store in San Jose's Japantown.
Dave Tatsuno Interview — ddr-jamsj-2-6
January 20, 2005.
San Jose, California.
01:36:59 — 24 segments.
01:36:59 — 24 segments.
Dave Tatsuno Interview II — ddr-densho-1005-4
May 17, 2005.
San Jose, California.
01:10:18 — 19 segments.
01:10:18 — 19 segments.