Arlene Oki

Elaine Kim and Dr. Kyle Kinoshita interviewed Arlene Oki. Oki is a longtime Seattle JACLer and is the heart of the Seattle JACL Board for over 40 years. She began as a recording secretary at a critical time during Redress and witnessed the heated conflicts during the hammering out of Seattle's leadership of the movement. Oki is a staunch advocate of JA/API representation in all aspects of society, of JA/API political presence in elective and administrative department executive positions, and of the need for ongoing Youth Leadership and Youth Development programs. Oki was instrumental in Seattle JACL's support in establishing the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Washington, as well as many other programs. A self-admitted "political junkie", Arlene has followed the national and state political scene from a young age and reflects deeply on the impact on the Japanese American community.


Arlene Oki