Densho Digital Repository
Seattle JACL Oral History Collection
Title: Bill Tashima Interview
Narrator: Bill Tashima
Interviewers: Elaine Kim, Dr. Kyle Kinoshita
Date: March 18, 2022
Densho ID: ddr-sjacl-2-39-4

<Begin Segment 4>

EK: I actually had a question of my own, veering off of what we sent you, but I was just wondering, because you had a lot of your -- it seems like the roles that you have taken on focus on recruiting and being able to create a community. And so I was just wondering what value do you find in getting this number and like not just getting this number, but the individuals that you reach out to? So yeah, just like the core values that you find and being able to complete this role.

BT: That I find in other people?

EK: That you find in being able to recruit individuals. Like what in your work, as membership chair, increasing presence on social media as well as recruiting younger individuals. Like what value do you find in being able to, I guess, get all these individuals to join the JACL or join the projects that you have worked on thus far?

BT: I think the value isn't with me as much as the other person and recognizing that value in the other person. It's kind of like, when I talk to someone I'm not trying to say -- find someone that agrees with me or thinks the same way I do. It's like, when I talk to someone, it's like, wow, that's really neat. It's just, it's more than respect. It's more like, it's kind of like, wow, I wish I was like that. I wish I had your enthusiasm, or I can't believe you're doing all this right now. Yeah, we could really use it, really use you. And I think it's kind of like -- for me, it's a recognition that people have so much to offer and also that people want to offer things but you have to ask sometimes. Because you just can't wait around asking, waiting for people to say, "Yeah, I'll do this." You have to just -- sometimes you have to be the spark and say, "Hey, can you do this?"

EK: Yeah, totally. I agree with that. I think that as an individual who tries to, I guess, start up a lot of social justice movements -- I know, in high school, I was definitely more active than I was, I was definitely more active then than I am now, however, definitely need to get on that road but I know that, for me, it seemed like a pain more to recruit individuals or try to get a group going to, I guess, be on the same page as me, just join me but, I guess, realizing now it's less so about, I mean, the numbers are always great, but it's more about the connections that you make, and being able to make those connections and make them meaningful. So I guess it was just an interest of mine, just to see where your values were in like building these connections. But yes, thank you so much for sharing.

<End Segment 4> - Copyright © 2022 Seattle Chapter JACL. All Rights Reserved.