Densho Digital Repository
Seattle JACL Oral History Collection
Title: Arlene Oki Interview
Narrator: Arlene Oki
Interviewers: Elaine Kim, Dr. Kyle Kinoshita
Date: March 16, 2022
Densho ID: ddr-sjacl-2-37-7

<Begin Segment 7>

EK: And then on that note, was there... the purpose of this interview is for individuals in the future to be able to go back and get to know an individual like you has left such an impact on human rights, civil liberties, Asian American, and BIPOC, and LGBTQIA. Communities like that, who need more visibility. So, is there anything that you would like to say in these last few minutes about it, just say anything so when people go back to this, they can reflect on you and your remarks?

AO: Go back to what?

EK: Well, if any individual goes back to see this interview that I'm having with you currently, I'm just wondering if there's anything else that you would want to say, for individuals who watch this interview in the future? If there's anything that you would like to say that will be kept in this recording, I guess this is the time to do so now.

AO: Yeah, I really don't have anything more to add. I'm just grateful to have such great friends. And I'm grateful to have the opportunity to witness what great leaders do.

EK: Well, thank you so much, Arlene. I can genuinely say... I genuinely enjoyed having this -- I wouldn't even want to say interview. It was a conversation, it was a very, a conversation that I would love to have for hours and hours on end. So, I just want to say thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and stories, and also just being a voice that is needed for generations to come and being a voice even back then for the times then. So, I just want to say thank you so much for being able to contribute to not only my own knowledge, but knowledge that will stay relevant for, I guess, for the test of time.

AO: Well, thank you for all the work you're doing. And you're so gracious. You're such a gracious interviewer. I really appreciate it, thank you.

EK: Oh, no, thank you. I can only be gracious when the individual I'm interviewing is as giving as you are.

KK: Great.

AO: Well, good luck. Thank you, Kyle.

KK: Yeah, I want to thank you both. Because, Arlene, I think... I really, really want to express my gratitude for sharing this. In my mind, you've been way more than a cheerleader. I think that you're one of the people that makes it possible for JACL to be still around today, and still very relevant, and something for which the younger generation can pick up and continue. A lot of it had to do with efforts of people like you. So, we're really, really, really grateful, not only for the work you've done in the past, but the fact now that we have some record of it. So anyway...

AO: Yes, and thank you. I'm so glad that you are carrying on the legacy of your mother, Cherry Kinoshita. She was one of my idols when I joined, first joined JACL. She was so smart, so strategic.

KK: Well, thank you. And this project sort of helped me keep connected with that legacy. So, I'm very appreciative just for that reason, for hearing what happened in the past and things like that, so I'm glad that you helped me keep in touch. So that's great. Okay, well, thank you. I'm going to end our recording and it is now part of our legacy record. Very happy.

AO: Okay, take care.

<End Segment 7> - Copyright © 2022 Seattle Chapter JACL. All Rights Reserved.