Title: The Pacific Citizen, Whole No. 2,251, Vol. 97, No. 7, 8/12/1983, (ddr-pc-55-31)
Densho ID: ddr-pc-55-31

The Pacific Citizen
Whole No. 2,251, Vol. 97, No. 7
August 12, 1983

Crucial Asian Pacific American issues cited

Davis student pleads not guilty to murder charge

VFW nat'l chief meets with Nisei posts

Governors reject reparations to internees; only 'apology'

Over the First Hurdle... U.S. grand jury to investigate murder of Vincent Chin

[Page 2]

Masaoka conferred Japanese decoration at D.C. reception

Matsunaga's Peace Academy bill wins key legislative battle





[Page 3]

Ceramicists open Little Tokyo shop

Casino Nite proceeds going to Keiro Home

Osaka visitor donates $10,000 to church fund

Ishigo's art exhibit at Amerasia gallery

LTSC Nikkei hypertension program funded

[Page 4]

Comments and Letters

East Wind by Bill Marutani: Missiles of Hate

Pacific Citizen Staff

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From the Frying Pan by Bill Hosokawa: Carl Mydans: Photojournalist

John Tateishi testimony... Without remedies, injustice and wound remain

Joan Bernstein testimony... Well within our power to provide remedies

[Page 6]

Cliff's Corner by Dr. Clifford Uyeda: Mrs. Lily Chin

The 1000 Club

Letters (cont.)

Sacramento cops swimfest

[Page 7]

JACL Leadership Development... Impressions of the Leadership Program

Learning first-hand how U.S. gov't works enjoyable

Redress (cont.)

Monterey Peninsula CL to cite medalist

[Page 8]

Santa Clara Valley Issei pioneers to be cited

Peninsula JACL awards two scholars

Nikkei graduates recognized by JACL

JACL and center honors 48 volunteers

APAAC (cont.)

CL divorce support group offer services

[Page 9]

Moshi-Moshi by Jim Konomi: Hootaru Koooi!

NCWNP-DC JACL youth to hold dance

Installation dinner

Mountain Plains District CL delegates hold 3-day meet

6th annual Daruma Festival Aug. 20

Monterey hosts dinner for JSDF group

[Page 10]

Land of the Incas, Inflation and Inemuri

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Classified Advertising

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Japan Disneyland sells 10,000 Mickey Mouse ears daily

Japan-U.S. student conference meets

Tenkuni closes

Honda (cont.)

Koreans on Sakhalin seek UN help