Title: The Pacific Citizen, Whole No. 2,247, Vol. 97, No. 3, 7/15/1983, (ddr-pc-55-27)
Densho ID: ddr-pc-55-27

The Pacific Citizen
Whole No. 2,247, Vol. 97, No. 3
July 15, 1983


Canadians stir redress push

Oregon Nikkei retirement home seen

'Neo-Nazi' operating anti-Asian telephone hotline identified

No amount of reparation can compensate 'victims'

United Church of Christ backs redress

Cast named for 'Sanka Moyu', NHK's 1984 historical drama

'Next Step' on redress moves to be aired

[Page 2]

APAAC founder appointed despite Deukmejian's nay

Chicago psychologist wins fellowship

San Jose graduate wins USC fellowship



Professional colleagues honor Nisei entomologist Tamaki

Hawaii's top writing honor presented




[Page 3]

New JACCC theatre presents Sunday noon chamber music

Noguchi sculptures to show at JACCC

'Intimacy vs. Isolation' series on tap

Workshop on vacation pics offered

Trade strains U.S.-Japan ties

Why Japan prefers hakujin teacher

The Pollsters

Onion crop damage

'World's biggest' dictionary of scientific terms available

[Page 4]

Keeping Track

Bookshelf: 88 Shrines of Shikoku

Pacific Citizen Staff

[Page 5]

From the Frying Pan by Bill Hosokawa: PR for AJAs

Eden Township fetes 8 scholars

Keeping Track... On compensating internees?

Summer seniors awarded $200 scholarship from Placer CL

Sansei leads new JACL club

New York honors single scholar

[Page 6]

Lodi JACL to host baseball reunion

Bataan survivors seek damages

UW archives set for Seattle JACL

Keeping Track (cont.)

Las Vegas summer-fall plans announced

Hotline (cont.)

[Page 7]

1000 Club Roll

Classified Ads

[Page 8]

Moshi-Moshi by Jin Konomi: Fubutsushi

Grtr. L.A. Singles plan steak bake

West Valley CLer's volunteerism cited

CLers to attend Giants ball game