Title: The Pacific Citizen, Whole No. 2139, Vol. 92 No. 20, 5/22/1981, (ddr-pc-53-20)
Densho ID: ddr-pc-53-20

The Pacific Citizen
Whole No. 2139, Vol. 92 No. 20
May 22, 1981

Judge rules in favor of Viets over KKK

Japan consul general reacts to Calif.'s 'Buy America' bill

U.S.-Japan scholars find errors in texts

ILWU confab supports CL redress push

Bannai's 1st week in WDC 'hectic'

Salt Lake J-community bucks plan to shut street

Sansei lands Houston postmaster job

[Page 2]

Redress Reports


In Support

At a Glance

Cemetery vandalism may become felony


'English only' bill

TV focuses on vets

Redress (cont.)

[Page 3]

Peter Imamura: Hearts and Minds

Go champ knifed in East L.A.

L.A. chapter chair's son slain

Japan sumoists due in L.A. for city's Bicentennial celebration

Organizations to honor Amy Ishii

Miyoshi's slayers sentenced to CYA

Queen contest cancelled

So. Bay Keiro drive nears $227,000

Memorial service


442 vets dance

[Page 4]

Pacific Citizen Staff

Editorial: Redress Reports

Cliff's Corner by Dr. Clifford Uyeda: Nat'l HQ Staff

IRC Action

Enomoto reports to Nevada job

Moshi-Moshi by Jim Konomi: 'Shibumi'

[Page 5]

From the Frying Pan by Bill Hosokawa: Ft. Clellan's Company of Nisei GIs

East Wind by Bill Marutani: The Long-Distance Run

Guest's Corner: The 'Grassroots' Baloney

35 Years Ago in the Pacific Citizen

[Page 6]

EDC-MDC convention set for July 30-Aug. 2 at St. Louis

Chapter Pulse

Las Vegas gears for Int'l Festival

New York JACL scholarships available

Reno JACL donates $620 to redress fund

Riverside adds Eugene Oda memorial award

Sonoma County JACL

Old-timers honored at Stockton's 50th fete

Stockton JACL

San Francisco JACL wins cage title

1000 Club

[Page 7]

Bill to extend Voting Rights Act

NAACP seeks aid to stop discrimination in Hawaii

Press Row

S.F. Nikkei heads Nat'l Eye Institute

[Page 8]

Foreign student 'con game' alleged

Japan balloonists plan trip to honor 'balloon bomb' victims


Masuda Memorial Fund to grant awards in community

Nikkei police officer awarded medal


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