Title: The Pacific Citizen, Whole No. 2134, Vol. 92 No. 16, 4/24/1981, (ddr-pc-53-16)
Densho ID: ddr-pc-53-16

The Pacific Citizen
Whole No. 2134, Vol. 92 No. 16
April 24, 1981

Sansei photojournalist wins Pulitzer prize

Mike Woo could be first Asian on Los Angeles City Council

'JAP' trademark fight continues

Prof. says WRA 'spied' on JAs in WW2

Bright hope seen for shuttle

[Page 2]

Hayakawa wants English to be 'official' U.S. language

LCCR appoints new executive director


Buddhist temple approved despite neighbors' protests

U.S.-Japan summit still scheduled

UW library opens Evacuation exhibit

[Page 3]

Peter Imamura: Parallax View

Tomy Corp. grant


Whittier (cont.)

'Manzanar' pictorial going on sale

Two Nikkei involved in shooting spree


[Page 4]

Pacific Citizen Staff

Cliff's Corner by Dr. Clifford Uyeda: Budget

35 Years Ago at the Pacific Citizen

On Verbalizing

Gun Control

Silent Majority

Matter of Redress

Occupation Era

New play debuts

West Wind by Joe Oyama: 100th/442nd Exhibit

[Page 5]

From the Frying Pan by Bill Hosokawa: A Pleasant, Relaxing Evening Being Together

East Wind by Bill Marutani: Needed: An 'Ethnic Anchor'

Lobby, Power Groups and Press, WW2 Officials Are Accountable

[Page 6]

Chapter Pulse

Albuquerque to host Mountain-Plains DC

Lake Washington JACL seek logo design

PSW needs redress funds

Marina-Venice area redress meeting set


Pocatello-Blackfoot to hold Honors Night

Portland set for annual Grad banquet

Sacramento JACL

1000 Club

[Page 7]

Salt Lake sr. highrise open

East coast Asian/Ed conference set

Ford Library

JASC votes to keep Issei workshop

Chinese Americans host D.C. gala

Ten Nikkei win Merit scholarships

Home for aged

[Page 8]

PBS will reconsider 'Hata'

Hiroshima M.D.s to visit U.S.

Nisei judge stirs dispute in rape case


Visual Communications wins film awards

Pulitzer (cont.)

Shuttle (cont.)

Sumida (cont.)

Mother of 14 dies in fight with cancer

Asian count in New York over 230,000

Cutoff near for Mexico City confab sign-up

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