Pacific Citizen
Vol. 53, No. 6
August 11, 1961
Column Left: JACL Credit Union
President's Corner: By Frank F. Chuman
Rodney Omachi of Stockton Top JACL Scholarship Winner
JACL Urges Vested Property Bill Be Reported by House
Washington Newsletter: By Mike Masaoka: Joint EDC-MDC JACL Convention
Nisei Week Queens: 1960 and 1961 [Photo]
Nisei Engineer Awarded Guggenheim Fellowship to Study Aerospace Propulsion
Nisei Hoodlum Stabs Youth at Church Softball Game
Issei Motorist Has First Mishap in 48 Years
Chapter Index
San Diego JACL to Bid for 1966 Nat'l Confab
San Diego JACL Declares 4 1/2% Credit Union Dividend
[Page 2]
Freewheeling on the Freeway: Hectic Weeks in August: By Jim Higashi
Northwest Picture: By Elmer Ogawa: 12th Seafair Sails into Sunset
Chapter Chit-Chat
Paul Horiuchi to Create Century 21 Mural Under Cover, Design to Be Shown Next April
PC Letter Box
Tokyo Topics: By Tamotsu Murayama: Sansei Scouts Visit Japan
Infant, 5 Mos., Dies
Seattle Betsuin to Be Headed by Nisei Minister
[Page 3]
From the Frying Pan: By Bill Hosokawa
Prewar Delta JACL Contributes Bond for Issei Story
Cleveland Jr. JACLers Relax at Workshop [Photo]
Tri-City Jr. JACL Career Conference Hosted by Cleveland
Oliver Club to Honor Outstanding Nisei Prep Athlete of Southland
Placer JACL Nine Leads in Second Half of League
Hole-in-One Made After Hours Costs $1,500
Time Magazine Recalls Evacuation
Little League in Japan
New Japanese Consul General Assigned to San Francisco Is Native of Golden Gate City
Southwest L.A. JACL Issei Chairmen Listed
Seafair Tennis Upset
Nisei Awarded 2 Grants Over $20,000 Each to Research Cerebral Palsy, Study of Brain
Rocky Ford Actress Touring Eastern Summer Theaters
Stockton - French Camp Combine Efforts on Issei Story Project
Senate Committee Acts on Orphan Adoption Bill
Planning Commission OKs El Cerrito Development
Sansei Youth Attends Idaho Boys State
Teenagers Robbing Nisei News Carrier Arrested
Sansei Girls Win Baton Contests in State Meets
Kaye Uyeda Weds Writer
Speakers Club Elects
[Page 4]
Regional Review: Central California: Floats Sparkle Clovis History
PSWDC Delegates Hear Progress Report of Issei Story Project, Simple Questionnaires for Issei Made Available
Living with JACL: By Saburo Kido: First Nisei Lobbyist
Chicago JACL Fetes Three Prep Grads with Scholarships
Scholarship--Continued from Front Page
Contra Costa JACL Scholarship Given to El Cerrito Girl
Benefit Luncheon Fashion Show by WLA Auxiliary Set
JACLers Help Push Beauty Pageant
Clevelanders to Man County Fair Booth
Cortez Chapter Honors Graduates
Pre-Med Student Wins SF Scholarship
Trade Fair Booth
'Uninvited' Picnic Guest
Philadelphia JACL Picnic This Sunday at New Site
Movies in Stockton
Family Weekend Outing
August Ball to Honor Scholarship Winners
San Fernando JACL to Announce Winners of Scholarship at Dance
Sansei WAC Trainee
Southwest L.A. Beach Party at Playa del Rey
Tokyo Ad Agency
San Jose High Schoolers
Jr. JACL Car Wash