Title: Pacific Citizen, Vol. 53, No. 1, 7/7/1961, (ddr-pc-33-27)
Densho ID: ddr-pc-33-27

Pacific Citizen
Vol. 53, No. 1
July 7, 1961

President's Corner: By Frank F. Chuman

TV Station Apologizes for Anti-Nisei Film

Two Military Leaders Who Believed in Nisei Loyalty Before WW2 Die on Same Day

'To Bridge and to Build' Picked 17th Biennial Theme

Steve Tamua May Be New Judge in Orange County

Joyce Hirano Chosen Exchange Club Girl

Sonoma County JACLer Frank Oda Injured in Car Crash

Kiwanis Delegate

Detroit Already Planning for 1964 Nat'l JACL Parley

Sansei Wins Nat'l Research Grant

Senate Passes Bill to Allow Issei Widow to Remain in U.S., Was to Be Deported

Column Left: PC Shop Moves

'Command Decision': Evacuation, Part 6: Washington Newsletter: By Mike Masaoka

Can't Read or Write?

Negro Files Suit in Housing Bias Case

Mrs. Tsuya Hori of L.A.'s Int'l Institute to Resign

Chapter Index

Ex-442nd Chaplain West Visits with Portland Nisei

Pasadena CLer Delegate

[Page 2]

Nisei Americans Show Interest in Visit of Prime Minister Ikeda to Washington; Japan Recognized as Hope in Far East


Director's Report

Chapter Chit-Chat

Los Angeles Newsletter: By Henry Mori: Higashi at the Helm

Radio Li'l Tokyo Program dropped by Sac'to Station


[Page 3]

Vagaries: Coming Season for Oriental Talent: By Larry Tajiri

May Ishihaba: Miss Harbor 1961 [Photo]

Cleveland Speaker Raps 'Melting Pot' Idea of America at JACL Scholarship Fete

Southland Sansei Join Hawaiian Nine for Japan Barnstorm

Seattle Issei collects College Degrees--His Children's, Has Trophy Room to Show: By John J. Reddin

Nominees for '61 Masaoka Award by Chapters Bared

D.C. JACL Scholarship Fund Drive Underway

Cleveland JACL Report: Education as a Means to Integrity: By Dr. Toaru Ishiyama

Harbor Hi-Cos Talk Up Teenage Dance Class

Sumitomo Bank Declares Increase in Dividends

[Page 4]

No. Calif.-W. Nev. District Council Report: Chapter Scholarship Program: by Frank Oda

1000 Club Notes

Living with JACL: By Saburo Kido: First Nisei Lobbyist

IDC Jr. JACL Convention Program Outlined Talent, Oratorical, Sweetheart Contest On

Sacramento Jr. JACL Dance Scheduled July 29

Outdoor Weekend at Lake Geneva Camp Offered to Chicago JACLers and Families

Mid-Columbia JACL Honors Graduates


Sansei Appears on TV Show with Pat Boone

Long Beach CLers Ready for Beachcombers' Party

Orange County Chapter Plans Progressive Whist

October Bazaar Planned by D.C. JACL Chapter

Detroit Community Picnic at Same Site as Last Year

Chihara Family--(Continued from Page 3)

Salt Lake JACL Picnic Set for Fairmont Park

Slight Correction

Mile-Hi JACL to Help in Community Picnic

Moonlight Cruise