Pacific Citizen
Vol. 43 No. 24
December 14, 1956
By the Board: After Prop. 13, what is next?
Semi-Gov't Japan Agency to Step Up Temporary Farm Laborers Program
Md. governor nixes magazine request for Pearl Harbor Day
Japan's Biggest Postwar Émigré Group Leaves for New Homes in Brazil
Masuda re-elected board member of Kobe College
Larry Tajiri Appointed Post Drama Editor
Annual immigration quota for Japan may be raised to 563
Univ. of Michigan students to rule on sorority bias
Colorado Times
Protest Step-Up of Japan Farm Labor Import
Philadelphia Directory of Japanese Available
Rain-slick highways cause traffic death
[Page 2]
Pacific Citizen Staff
From the Frying Pan by Bill Hosokawa: 15,000 visitors
Tokyoite answers Keyes Beech's article on Japanese indifferentism to communism
San Francisco Solon Maloney feted
Asia Society group formed in U.S.
Urge middle ground in current textile, quota controversy
Nisei Girl Never Dreamed of Role in Movies
[Page 3]
Vagaries by Larry S. Tajiri: Mr. Moto is back
Sansei Tot to Appear on 'Playhouse 90'
Marysville fetes Japan farm laborers
Ugi Harada to Head Arkansas Valley C.L.
Stockton Christmas party to invite local children
Sansei lass vies for honors of gaining berth on Gardena float in Jan. 1 parade
Wife starts floral arrangement class, GI-husband due for retirement in 6 years
Pocatello JACLYNs plan Christmas party Dec. 22
[Page 4]
Sou'wester by Tats Kushida: Unsung no more
Novo Kato to serve as Pocatello JACL president in 1957
Frank Shoji named Liv.-Merced prexy
Marysville JACL releases '57 nominations slate
Seattle JACL Ballots Due by December 20
1957 JACL Officers
Frank Kuida named Gardena head, 12-man board OK'd
Pasadena to Install Officers at Dec. 22 Christmas Potluck Sup
Ida Fukui Chosen Reno Chapter President
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Very Truly Yours by Harry K. Honda: Holiday Issue
APL spends millions remodeling trans-Pacific luxury liners
[Page 6]
The Northwest Picture by Elmer Ogawa: 'Write your story'
Mt. View gridder chosen to All-SCV first team
Kent Ishimaru Named to Stockton All-Stars
Ko Abe of Palo Alto Wins All-Star Berth
Sports Briefs
Philadelphia CL elections part of Christmas party
Pasadena ICC dance rescheduled for Dec. 15
[Page 7]
Los Angeles Newsletter by Henry Mori: LACCCR's decade
Southwest L.A. to round off ICBG year with dinner-dance in pre-Holiday mood
Christmas Cheer reaches 77% of goal; packaging of items to get underway
Selection of Japanese farm workers to U.S. tightens, official reveals
CCDC official directory of chapter cabinets due
Nisei aided in study of preventing of artery hardening
New York Chapter to Vote in New Board of Directors
Aged Issei held chopping co-worker
[Page 8]
Washington Newsletter by Mike Masaoka: Notes from Japan
Nisei businessman in Tokyo charged with foreign exchange law violation
'Help Japan' or 'Hands Off' issue raised by comments on Satevepost
P.C. Deadline Change notice
Baron Goto of Hawaii Goes on Asian Tour